????Dian Nuswantoro University Student Executive Board and Student Council University Malaysia Of Computer Science????
___Proudly Present____
?INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR “Educational Technology in The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0”. Let’s learn about technology in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, so that we can make new innovations for our country.
Our Speakers :
1. Prof. Dr. Ir Edi Noersasongko M.Kom (Rector of Dian Nuswantoro University)
2. Mdm Sulaiha Abdul Rahman, MIET (Dean, School of Engineering and Frontier Technology)
3. Hendriansyah (CEO Culture Academy)
What are you waiting for? The speakers who have extraordinary experience and knowledge in the field of technology, let’s hurry up the list runs out????????????????
Registration Links:
You Can Get :
? E-Certificate(registration only)
? Technology Knowledge
? New Friend
???????? Contact Person :
+62 8516 2970 853 (Alfian) – Indonesia
+60 1938 808 75 (Joshua) – Malaysia


Tema :

Educational Technologory in The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Tempat Kegiatan :

Zoom Meeting & Livestreaming Youtube

Tanggal Mulai :


Tanggal Selesai :


Penyelenggara :

Udinus & UNIMY

Penanggung Jawab :

BEM KM & Unimy Src

Resume :

Technological developments are very influential at this time. Let’s as the next generation of the country learn about technology.