A group of students from the Health Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has successfully achieved several accomplishments at the Medical Record Olympics. The event employed the theme of ‘The Transformation of AI-based Digital Medical Records to Optimize Health Services,’ and its final stage was hosted on Friday, November 22, 2024.

In detail, the Design Interface Category was won by a duo consisting of Medical Records students at Udinus, namely, Dea Marshanda Indah Vara, and Pandu Revi Arnan. 

At the event, two students at Udinus also earned accomplishments in the Poster category, including Qanita Alliya Mesyun—runner-up, and Nasyilla Valentina Eka Susilo—third place. In the essay category, Ari Saeful Bahri, also a student at Udinus, managed to secure fourth place.

Dea Marshanda Indah Vara, who was also the leader of her team, stated that her accomplishment stemmed from a Design Interface idea, namely ‘Healio.’ Healio is an AI-based mobile app used to consult about various symptoms of illness. 

“With this idea, the AI would give an analysis based on the medical journals that have been integrated into the system. There is also the Scan AI feature, which allows visual diagnoses and gives the users recommendations on which doctor they should consult. Furthermore, it will also remind the users when to take medications, consult the doctors, and pay using a specific platform,” Dea uttered.

Dea, who is also the Chief of the Medical Records Students Association at Udinus, added that her team preparation consisted of looking for a relevant idea aligning with the theme of the event. Following that, the team would make the idea come true by designing the app that also included several processes, including designing the logo, mascot, layouts, and user interface (ui) and user experience (ux). 

“In my opinion, the biggest challenge was finding the correct idea, as I needed to come up with an innovative idea that the public never saw before in other medical apps. As a result, the idea was developed with a focus on the chat and Scan AI features. Both of them have been integrated with the related medical journals,” she continued.

On a different occasion, Fauk Agiwahyuanto, S.Kep., M.Kes., the Supervising Lecturer overseeing these accomplished students, expressed his pride for the attainments earned by the Health Science Faculty students. These students are expected to keep learning and coming up with even more innovative and helpful ideas, particularly in the health field. 

“Semoga capaian ini juga memotivasi mahasiswa lain di FKes Udinus khususnya di lingkup RMIK Udinus untuk ikut berpartisipasi. Ide-ide yang dituangkan juga bisa direalisasikan dan memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat luas,” tutupnya. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. FKes Udinus)