In an attempt to raise awareness concerning reproductive health, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) partnered with the Muhammadiyah Special Branch Headquarters (PCIM) of Malaysia. The program involved students and faculty members at Udinus in providing reproductive health education to sixth-grade students from a school owned by PCIM.
The event aimed to equip students with important knowledge about bodily functions and intergender relationship. The program was conducted in December 2024, it mainly involved 25 sixth-graders at a school owned by PCIM in Malaysia. This program mainly included pre-test session, educating session, and a post-test session to evaluate students’ understanding.
The program was initiated by Dr. Hugi Ceriyawati, M.Si., Ayu Ashari, S.S.T., M.Kes.,. and Dzuha Hening Yanuarsari, M.Ds. In addition to these faculty members, the program also involved students from Udinus, namely, Lintang Pradendi Grisano, Hakiki Dwi Setyo Utomo, and Aditya Reanda Permana.

According to Hugi, a lecturer from the Environmental Health Department at Udinus, the program was designed to provide students with a basic level of understanding about their bodies, changes during puberty, and how to maintain reproductive health. She also added that this education is essential to prevent various problems, including sexual harassment, teenage pregnancy, and negative influences from media and environments.
“We want students to understand their bodies, respect each other’s personal boundaries, and not be hesitant to report uncomfortable or dangerous situations. With proper education, children will be able to make correct decisions in the future,” she explained.
The Importance of Giving Early Education
Meanwhile, Ayu who is a lecturer from the Medical Records and Information Department at Udinus added that studying reproductive health from a young age could help students understand changes in their bodies, as well as the consequence of reproductive health. The program also offered various lesson about personal boundaries and the importance of understanding consent.
“Through this education, we also want to build trust from both children and parents, as well as involve them in an open discussion about reproductive health,” she uttered.
She further hoped for the collaboration to keep continuing, with not only an impact on students but also on the committee by providing them with experience of teaching sixth-grade students.
“The committee, which consists of students from Udinus, will also garner brand-new and meaningful experiences. These experiences will allow them to directly contribute to society,” she hoped.
The program was successfully held through the support of the Research and Community Service Agency (LPPM) at Udinus, which had previously tied a partnership with PCIM Malaysia. Not only did this program provide a more insightful approach to reproductive health to students, but it also showed the urgency of having international partners in resolving global problems. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas FKes)