The 2023 Independent Campus Fair (KM), hosted at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), was opened with the Multi Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) sessions. Representatives from many different universities in Central Java and the Independent Campus Partners were seen present at the venue.
The event will be open for two days, the first day officially began upon the gong strike done by Bhimo Widyo Andoko, S.H., M.H. (the Head of the Higher Education Service Institute Region VI Central Java) who was accompanied by Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom, (The Chancellor). Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M. (the Vice Chancellor III of the Student Affairs), the Independent Campus Executives HQ, and the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs representatives (Belmawa) also made an appearance on the scene.
Bhimo Widyo Andoko, S.H., M.H., gave an appreciation to Udinus for providing the needed facilities. The Independent Campus Fair aims to minimize the distance between the industry and college institutions, particularly in Central Java or Region VI. The collaboration is expected to give synergies and the newest innovations that may positively impact the public.
“From the government, we have provided funds to strengthen those synergies, including Kedaireka and other programs conducted by ‘Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka.’ Hopefully, this fair could maintain the quality possessed by Region VI or Central Java,” he hoped.
As the host, The Chancellor greeted the participants at the fair by showcasing various innovations made by lecturers and students at Udinus. Those innovations were the Sekar Nuswantoro Gamelan Robot, the Udinus Campus’ Electric Pedicab (Becik-KU), the Si Warik animated show, and the Chess Robot (Roca-KU). According to him, introducing students to the industrial approach was crucial.
“Through these innovations, we have essentially made the industry itself, which could serve as a platform to prepare students for the professional industry. Hence, upon graduating, the students will be able to implement their skills that may benefit various communities,” The Chancellor stated.
The Head of Division of the Independent Campus ‘Mandiri’, Dessy Aliandra Ph.D., explained that the first day served as an accelerator of the Independent Campus Program (MBKM) which would be conducted in all 16 the Higher Education Service Institute Regions (LLDIKTI). Additionally, the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) Sessions acted as an exclusive event organized in nine regions, and Udinus was among the first. The MSD session is intended to bridge the corporations and partners, as well as to generate the vision and mission similarities in responding to the obstacles surrounding the MBKM program.
“The MSD consists of four sessions, starting from giving insight to the participants, overseeing their potential in solving problems, and hopefully, they could finish collaboration pilot projects between the corporations and partners,” Dessy concluded.
The MSD sessions went with enthusiasm coming from the corporations and partner representatives. The sessions obliged the participants to form a group in a round table, each group would be given tasks and the sessions were closed by presentation and agreement of the Pilot Project commitment within the LLDIKTI regions.