Creative thinking skills and proficiency in using equipment are required to produce a movie. Any professional filmmaker must understand and hold these particular abilities. In an attempt to...
Recent News
Absolute Phenomenal! Three Udinus Students Qualify for the IISMA Program, Ready to Study Abroad
In the current modern era, studying abroad is not something impossible. The opportunity was successfully achieved by three students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus)...
Participating in the 2024 Erasmus+, Three Students from Udinus Undergo a Study in Croatia for the Next Six Months
Tiga mahasiswa dari dua Program Sarjana di Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) kini menempuh pendidikan selama 6 bulan di Universitas Split Kroasia. Ketiganya belajar sesuai dengan prodi yang...
Their Creative Video Led Three Health Science Faculty Students to Win a Competition
Raihan prestasi kembali ditorehkan oleh mahasiswa Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). Kali ini, mahasiswa Fakultas Kesehatan (FKes) berhasil menyabet juara 1 kategori Lomba Video Kreatif pada...
Thousands of Takjil from PAM Udinus Helps Students During Ramadan
Bulan suci Ramadan menjadi bulan kebaikan yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh seluruh umat muslim. Selama satu bulan penuh, salah satu kebaikan yang diberikan oleh Universitas Dian Nuswantoro yaitu pembagian...
Two Works Created by the Engineering Faculty Were Showcased at the 2024 Business Matching Domestic Product Market
Two works created by instructors and students of the Engineering Faculty at Uniersitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) were successfully showcased at the 2024 Business Matching Domestic Product Market. The exhibition was primarily hosted by...
Udinus Sent a Help to a Post in Demak, the Chancellor: Hopefully, the Flood Ends Soon, and the Situation Reverts to Normal
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, (Udinus) once again sent hundreds of help for the flood victims in Demak Regency. The aid was embodied in the form of an event entitled ‘Udinus Peduli’...
A Health Science Faculty Student at Udinus Won Third Place in a National Essay Competition
Once again, a student from the Health Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, (Udinus) attained an excellent accomplishment at a national essay competition. The student named Immaculata Diona Litani Putri managed to emerge in the third place...
Udinus Gives Away 1000 Meals a Day for Iftar
It has become a tradition that during the holy month of Ramadan, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, (Udinus) hosts various activities to improve faith, concern toward others, and social awareness...