Study Program of
Master of Accounting - S2
The Head of the Master of Accounting Study Program - S2

Enny Susilowati Mardjono,
Assalamualikum Wr.Wb
Welcome to the study program of Master in Accounting of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
The Study Program of Master in Accounting is a program in the Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro which is ran under the decree of the ministry of education of the Republic Indonesia No: No: 898/E/O/2023 December 1st 2023. This study program is a master's degree in accounting with a degree of M.Ak (Master Accountant).
The Master of Accounting Study Program at FEB Udinus is the main choice of Master Study Program in the field of digital-based and entrepreneurship-oriented accounting with a global outlook. The Master of Accounting program designs an information technology and digital-based curriculum where students are required to take 41 credits of courses and are given the flexibility to choose their concentration major. The highlighted concentrations are Sustainability Accounting and Digital-Based Public Sector Accounting. This aims to equip the graduates of the Accounting program of FEB Udinus with special characteristics and expertise that are qualified and competent in the accounting field. The expected graduates are graduates who have managerial abilities who are moral and ethical, have knowledge, skills, independence, and innovation, and are able to develop and apply science, technology, and art based on values that are beneficial to life, especially in the field of Financial Management, Accounting, and Tax Consultants, Accountant Educators / Researchers (Academics), Entrepreneurs who are experts in finance.
The graduates' competence of the master of accounting study program covers three aspects namely cognitive (knowledge), psychomotoric (skill), and affective (attitude). Currently, the average teaching staff of the master of accounting at Udinus has a doctoral education background from various national and international universities. The Master of Accounting study program will provide the best service for all students with the commitment of professional lecturers. We would like to thank all those who have contributed, provided information, and provided positive input that is beneficial to the development of Maksi Dian Nuswantoro University through this website. Constructive suggestions and criticisms are highly expected to improve this website so that information can be conveyed well and provide many benefits to the general public.
Wassalammualikum Wr.Wb
The Head of The Master of Accounting Study Program
The Master of Accounting Study Program of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro is run under the decree by Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia
No: 898/E/O/2023 December 1st 2023
Status Akreditasi Magister Akuntansi BAIK, berdasarkan SK Lamemba Nomor : 246/DE/A.5/AR.11/II/2024
Master of Accounting Study Program - S2
Becoming the main choice of master's degree in Accounting study program based on digital technology as well as oriented to entrepreneurship with global insight.
- Organizing education in the master of accounting and entrepreneurship based on digital technology supported by skilled human resources and sufficient facilities.
- Initiating research in the field of accounting and entrepreneurship based on digital technologies that are innovative, high-quality, and able to contribute to the development of nation's competitiveness.
- Performing public service supported by sustainable information technology.
- Conducting strategic partnerships on national and international levels to improve the quality of students, faculty members, and organizations.
Master of Accounting Study Program - S2
Why Choose Us?
Graduates' Profile:
- Financial, Accounting, or Taxation Managers
- Accounting or Taxation Consultant
- Accounting Educator/Researcher (Academician)
- Entrepreneurs Excelling in Finance
Fields of Concentration
- Sustainable Accounting
- Digital-Based Public Sector Accounting

Master of Accounting Study Program - S2
- Management and CSR
- Theory of Financial Accounting
- Advanced Auditing
- Corporations Management Strategy
- Technopreneurship
- Data Analytics for Business
- Corporation Reporting
- Seminar on Management Accounting and Business Strategy
- Research Methods in Accounting
Sustainable Accounting Concentration
- Advanced Management Accounting
- Sustainable Accounting Report
- Information Systems Audit
Public Sector Accounting Concentration
- Analysis and Review of Government Financial Report System
- Electronic-based Government
- Standards and Policies of Government Accounting
- Thesis
Students' Activity
Master of Accounting Study Program - S2

The Economics Business Faculty at Udinus Hosts an International Seminar, Pushing Students to Be Critical Regarding the Role of Accounting
Program Studi Magister Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) menggelar seminar internasional dengan tema “Accounting Research for Sustainability Performance of Company in Era Digital”. Seminar mengajak mahasiswa agar mampu berpikir kritis tentang peran akuntansi dalam mendukung kinerja keberlanjutan perusahaan di tengah peluang dan tantangan era digital.