Study Program of

Doctor of Computer Science Program


the Head of the Doctor of Computer Science Program.


I am pleased to welcome you to the Postgraduate of Computer Science at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). We take immense pride in our standing as one of Indonesia's premier institutions for computer science research. Our vision is to become a distinguished program in the field of informatics engineering, with a particular focus on software engineering planning and intelligent systems. Additionally, we also implement technopreneurship principles in our academic programs which function to support the demands of your careers. Over the years, the demand within the computer science industry has remained remarkably high. In response to this matter, the Doctoral Program of Computer Science offers the best facilities to prepare graduates for roles as junior data scientists, AI developers, game developers, software engineers, system administrators, network engineers, programmers, and technopreneurs. Furthermore, our curriculum provides a well-rounded education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Students are given a big opportunity to learn directly from proficient lecturers, scientists, and exceptional practitioners from all around the world. I encourage you to learn more about our study program by browsing this website even further. For more information, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best Regards

The Head of the Doctor of Computer Science Program



Doctor of Computer Science Program


Menjadi program studi unggul dalam pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi berbasis data mining, computer vision dan software engineering untuk dunia usaha dan industri pada 2021


(1).Menyelenggarakan pendidikan berbasis riset bidang data mining, computer vision dan software engineering sesuai dengan perkembangan keilmuan untuk dunia usaha dan industri; 

(2). Mengembangkan kualitas sivitas akademika dalam penelitian yang inovatif di bidang data mining, computer vision dan software engineering serta berkontribusi dalam kehidupan masyarakat; 

(3). Menggali dan menjalin kerja sama strategis dengan berbagai pihak baik dalam dan luar negeri untuk mendukung riset bidang data mining, computer vision dan software engineering



    Doctor of Computer Science Program

    Kenapa Doktoral Ilmu Komputer?


    1. Algorithm
    2. Data Mining
    3. Software Engineering
    4. Database
    5. Game Development
    6. Artificial Intelligent (AI)
    7. Networking

    Future Job Prospects

    1. Network Industry
    2. State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)
    3. Private Firms
    4. Software House
    5. IT preneur
    6. Bank
    7. Foreign-owned Enterprise
    8. IT Company


    1. Software Engineer
    2. Junior Data Scientist
    3. Artificial Intelligence Engineer
    4. System Administrator
    5. Network Engineer
    6. Game Developer
    7. Technopreneur

    Doctor of Computer Science Program


    Program Studi Doktoral Ilmu Komputer – S3

    No Kode Mata Kuliah SKS Semester
    1 P412104 Komputasi Lunak Lanjut 3 1
    2 P41.3114 Visi Komputer Lanjut 3 1
    3 P41.3124 Penambangan Data Lanjut 3 1
    4 P41.3134 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Lanjut 3 1
    5 P41.3203 Disertasi I: Publikasi Internasional I 10 1
    6 P412134 Rekayasa Perangkat lunak Lanjut 3 1
    7 P412114 Visi Komputer Lanjut 3 1
    8 P412124 Penggalian Data Lanjut 3 1
    9 P41.3101 Filsafat Ilmu 2 1
    10 P412101 Filsafat Ilmu 2 1
    11 P41.3102 Metodologi Penelitian 3 1
    12 P412102 Metodologi Penelitian 3 1
    13 P41.3103 Komputasi Lunak Lanjut 3 1
    14 P412215 Tren Penelitian di Visi Komputer 3 2
    15 P412225 Tren Penelitian di Penggalian Data 3 2
    16 P412235 Tren Penelitian di Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 3 2
    17 P412201 Tata Penulisan Ilmiah 2 2
    18 P412206 Dissertation I: Internasional Conference 5 2
    19 P412301 Disertasi II : Proposal Disertasi 7 3
    20 P412302 Disertasi : Progress Report 0 3
    21 P412401 Disertasi III : Preliminary Result 7 4
    22 P412402 Disertasi : Progress Report 2 0 4
    23 P412501 Disertasi IV : Ujian Tertutup 7 5
    24 P412502 Disertasi : Progress Report 3 0 5
    25 P412601 Disertasi V : Ujian Terbuka 6 6
    26 P412602 Disertasi 32 6