Study Program of

Bachelor of Accounting


The Head of the Bachelor of Accounting

Dr. Anna Sumaryati S.E., M.Si

Welcome, may peace be upon us all

The Accounting Study Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) aligns itself with a vision of becoming a prominent choice in the realm of accounting and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit. As such, this department stands as one of the most favorable programs among high school graduates. The Bachelor of Accounting program strives to meet the expectations of aspiring students, equipping them to excel as professionals in the highly competitive global field of accounting. This commitment is evidenced by the success of our graduates, many of whom have secured positions with prestigious private companies, state-owned enterprises, and various public institutions.

This website provides information about the activity of the Accounting Study Program in the field of education, research, and social service to the public. Our program prides itself on offering students the flexibility to choose majors that align with their individual interests.

The Accounting Study Program is dedicated to delivering top-tier education through a team of highly skilled and proficient lecturers. On behalf of the entire faculty members, I extend my gratitude to all those who are currently involved and to those who will continue to contribute to the enrichment of this website. We openly welcome constructive feedback and suggestions for its continuous improvement. We trust that this platform will prove to be beneficial for all who engage with it, Amen.

The head of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program

Dr. Anna Sumaryati, SE, M.Si


The Bachelor of Accounting


Becoming the first choice of study program in the field of Information Technology-based Accounting with Entrepreneurship in 2020.


Engaging a high-quality education in the field of accounting, integrated with ethical values and information technology to play a strategic role in educating future generations and advancing science and entrepreneurship.

Enhancing research programs in accounting, including sub-sectors like finance, behavior, auditing, taxation, and information systems, whether conventional or Sharia-compliant, to benefit the public continually.

Improving the quality of community service programs, including conventional or even supported by sustainable Information Technology that can benefit society, nation, and our country.

Developing collaborations that enhance the quality of students, lecturers, and organizations.


    The Bachelor of Accounting

    Why you should enroll in our accounting program?


    1. Accounting
    2. Business Science
    3. Information Technology
    4. Communication Business


    1. Private Firms
    2. State-owned Enterprises (BUMN)
    3. Public Accounting Firm
    4. Entrepreneurship
    5. Teachers


    Main Competence

    • Being able to compile financial reports in accordance with the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK).
    • Capable of analyzing information with information technology based on accounting and financial management in order to make decisions.
    • Having proficiency in the auditing process, conforming to the Public Accountant Professional Standards (SPAP)
    • Possessing skills such as planning, performing, and controlling taxes in compliance with applicable provisions of money taxation.

      Supporting Competence

      • Having the Capacity to compile financial reports in accordance with the accounting standard of the public and sharia sectors.
      • Able to create software for the accounting information system.
      • Capable of implementing the basics of strategic management to support the decision-making process.
      • Having the skills to apply the business laws and regulations that are important in the capital and business world.
      • Being able to implement basic concepts of statistics and quantitative methods to make decisions.
      • Proficient in utilizing economy, management, law, politics, and sociocultural concepts in the decision-making of an entity.
      • Capable of evaluating intern control system.
      • Having the competence to evaluate internal control systems.

      Additional competence

      • Being fluent to communicate using both Indonesian and English language.
      • Knowing how to act with business and professional ethics.
      • Capable enough to come up with a business plan
      • Having the ability to identify various entrepreneurial endeavors characterized by innovation and independence.
      • Qualified to play the role of an entrepreneur who possesses skills in line with competence and ethics.
      • Capable to think critically, creatively, and innovative to solve problems at the level of individual and group.
      • Being able to show positive intrapersonal and interpersonal behaviors.
      • Capable of indicating integrity and respecting other people.

      The Bachelor of Accounting

      Public Accountant

      Our graduates are qualified to work as certified public accountants (CPA) at big accounting firms such as Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, and Ernst & Young

      Management Accountant

      A management account plays a crucial role within companies and organizations by assisting in financial planning, control, and decision-making about finance.

      Financial Analyst

      Financial consultants work independently or with a firm consultant to provide financial suggestions to their client

      Teacher and Lecturer

      Some graduates from our accounting program pursue careers in education and research, becoming university lecturers or engaging in academic research in the field of accounting.


      Tax Accountant

      Tax accountants are proficient in individual and corporate taxation. They help clients in optimizing tax payments, complying with tax obligations, and avoiding tax-related issues.


      The Bachelor of Accounting


      The Bachelor of Accounting

      No Kode Mata Kuliah SKS Semester
      1 U201704 Pengantar Teknologi Informasi 2 1
      2 U201701 Dasar Kewirausahaan 2 1
      3 B12.6101 Akuntansi Pengantar I 3 1
      4 B12.6104 Management 2 1
      5 B12.6105 Perpajakan 2 1
      6 B12.6103 Matematika Keuangan 2 1
      7 B12.6102 Pengantar Ekonomi 3 1
      8 B12.6107 Aplikasi Komputer Bisnis 2 1
      9 B12.6106 Algoritma dan Pemrograman 3 1
      10 N2017054 PENDIDIKAN AGAMA BUDHA 2 2
      11 B12.6206 Praktik Perpajakan 3 2
      12 N2017055 PENDIDIKAN AGAMA HINDU 2 2
      13 B12.6203 Hukum Bisnis 2 2
      14 N2017051 PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM 2 2
      15 N201702 Bahasa Inggris 2 2
      16 B12.6208 Pemrograman Design Web 2 2
      17 B12.6202 Etika Profesi 2 2
      18 B12.6205 Pengantar Bisnis 2 2
      19 B12.6201 Akuntansi Pengantar II 3 2
      20 N2017053 PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KRISTEN 2 2
      21 B12.6204 Manajemen Keuangan 3 2
      22 N2017052 PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KATOLIK 2 2
      23 B12.6207 Sistem Basis Data 2 2
      24 B12.6306 Pasar Modal 3 3
      25 B12.6305 Pengantar Akuntansi Sektor Publik 2 3
      26 B12.6307 Sistem Informasi Akuntansi 3 3
      27 B12.6308 Komputer Perpajakan 2 3
      28 B12.6309 Praktik Basis Data 2 3
      29 B12.6303 Laboratorium Akuntansi 2 3
      30 B12.6302 Akuntansi Biaya 3 3
      31 B12.6304 Pengauditan I 3 3
      32 B12.6301 Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah I 3 3
      33 B12.5308 Komputer Perpajakan 2 3
      34 B12.6405 Sistem Informasi Manajemen 2 4
      35 B12.6403 Komputer Akuntansi 2 4
      36 B12.6406 Statistik I 3 4
      37 B12.6407 Pemrograman Aplikasi 2 4
      38 B12.6402 Akuntansi Manajemen 3 4
      39 B12.6404 Pengauditan II 3 4
      40 B12.6409 Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem 3 4
      41 B12.6408 English for Business 2 4
      42 B12.6401 Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah II 3 4
      43 N201701 Bahasa Indonesia 2 5
      44 B12.6506 Praktik Kerja 3 5
      45 N201707 Pancasila 2 5
      46 B12.6505 Statistik II 2 5
      47 U201702 Startup Business 2 5
      48 B12.6502 Akuntansi Keperilakuan 3 5
      49 B12.6504 Laboratorium Pengauditan 2 5
      50 B12.6507 Penganggaran 2 5
      51 B12.6501 Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan I 3 5
      52 B12.6503 Teori Akuntansi 3 5
      53 B12.6508 Akuntansi Syariah 2 5
      54 B12.6602 Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen 3 6
      55 B12.6605 Bimbingan Karir 3 6
      56 B12.6606 Studi Kelayakan Bisnis 2 6
      57 N201706 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2 6
      58 U201703 Kewirausahaan Lanjut 2 6
      59 N201705 Pendidikan Agama 2 6
      60 B12.6604 Metodologi Penelitian 3 6
      61 B12.6607 Perekonomian Indonesia 2 6
      62 B12.6603 Pengauditan Elektronik Data Prosesing 3 6
      63 B12.6601 Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan II 3 6
      64 B12.6702 Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah 3 7
      65 B12.6711 Manajemen Perpajakan 3 7
      66 B12.6708 Seminar Sistem Informasi Akuntansi 3 7
      67 B12.6707 Pengauditan Investigasi 3 7
      68 B12.6704 Akuntansi Keberlanjutan 3 7
      69 B12.6706 Pengauditan Manajemen 3 7
      70 B12.6709 Teknologi Informasi Akuntansi 3 7
      72 B12.6705 Corporate Governance 3 7
      73 A11.54806 DATA MINING 3 7
      74 B12.6703 Seminar Akuntansi Keuangan & Pasar Modal 3 7
      75 A11.54314 PEMROGRAMAN BERBASIS WEB 2 7
      76 B12.6701 Analisa Laporan Keuangan 3 7
      77 B12.6710 Seminar Perpajakan 3 7
      78 B12.6801 Tugas Akhir 6 8