Committed to preaching the entrepreneurial path to youths, Ahmad Sahroni educated 1400 students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) concerning entrepreneurship. Those students came from many different departments at Udinus.
The seminar themed ‘Be Brave to Start Your Business and Catch Your Dream’ was held at the Rama Shinta Convention Hall at the Patra Jasa Hotel. On that occasion, Ahmad Sahroni was accompanied by Prof. Dr, Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., (the Chancellor of Udinus) and Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., (the Dean of the Computer Science Faculty).
Ahmad Sahroni (the Vice Chairman of the Commission III at the Indonesian House of Representatives) encouraged students to properly look for opportunities and said that dreams fuelled these students to chase their success. In addition, he also pushed them to showcase their distinctive characteristics and skills.
“With your distinctive characteristics, you can easily steal many people’s attention. Moreover, it is also important to maintain your honesty and trust for you to be entrepreneurs,” he explained.
The seminar opened with a gong strike sounded by the chancellor. Furthermore, the participants also sparked their immense and solid enthusiasm through the questions given to Ahmad Sahroni and other speakers. On that occasion, Ahmad Sahroni also allowed himself to engage in a conversation with students.
At the seminar, the chancellor also revealed that this national seminar served as a platform for students to learn and hone their courage in establishing a business. To further sustain this entrepreneurial knowledge, various entrepreneurial courses or classes are taught at Udinus.
“Currently, we have led many youths to become entrepreneurs, and this seminar is particularly aimed to students, who will graduate soon. This entrepreneurial knowledge is given by expert practitioners,” the chancellor concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)