As an athlete of the Indonesian Contingent of the Under 18 category, Ahmad Riziq, a chess player from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), successfully earned the first gold medal for his contingent. At the international event, Ahmad triumphantly outclassed many chess players from various countries. 
In addition, Zacky Dhia Ulhaq, an Undergraduate Industrial Engineering student, also managed to grasp two bronze medals in the single and group categories. At the event known as ‘Asian Youth Chess Championship 2022,’ Ahmad garnered the gold medal in October, at the Grand Inna Kuta Hotel Bali. The medal finally fell into his hands after competing against 400 other chess players from 22 different countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, India, Vietnam, and Mongolia. 
Ahmad, a Management Student at Udinus, explained that he won the group match with the other two chess players from Yogyakarta. At the international competition, Ahmad played seven times leading the Indonesia contingent to get a total point of 13.5.  
“I am glad and proud of myself for representing the Indonesia contingent of the under-18 category and earning a gold medal in this international competition. Furthermore, I also see this opportunity as a stepping stone for me to get more accomplishments for the time to come,” he revealed.
Ahmad revealed that he had been preparing himself much before for this international competition hosted by the Asian Chess Federation. The preparation was done by conducting routine training through municipal and national competitions. Through this phenomenal accomplishment, Ahmad successfully made a name for both Indonesia and the campus on the international level. 
“I have done various kinds of training, including participating in an online national training with Grand Master Susanto Megaranto and International Master Tirta Chandra. Moreover, I also routine hone my opening, middle, and ending in my playstyle,” Ahmad, a student of the 2022 cohort, revealed.
Dr. Kusni Ingish, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, also expressed her pride for the accomplishment garnered by Ahmad at that international chess competition. Furthermore, she stated that Udinus would fully support students in making a name for the campus in both academic and non-academic fields, both on the national and international levels.
“This accomplishment is truly prideful for both Udinus and Indonesia on the international level. We, as the academic community, will always be committed to providing facilities to support our athletes in attaining more accomplishments,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi Ahmad Riziq) Ahmad Riziq)