Recently, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted a talk show entitled Entrepreneur Talk to provide students with entrepreneurial insight. As the title suggested, the event featured skilled entrepreneurs to push students to ‘Start A Business as a University Student,’ which was also the theme of the talk show.
The interactive talk show featured three entrepreneurs, including Hendriansyah—an Information Systems student at Udinus and the Co-Founder of Culture Academy. It also invited two other guests, namely, Noviaji Wibisosno—an alumnus of the Visual Communication Design Department at Udinus and the Co-Founder of SOOCA—, and Eko Novianto—the CTO of Indimart. id. On that occasion, all three speakers talked about their entrepreneurial journey.
The talk show was opened by Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M.—the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs. She was welcomed by Heri Pamungkas S.S., M.I.Kom—the Head of the Alumni Association of Udinus, as well as Didik Listi Abi—the Chief of the Tangan Di Atas Community of Central Java and Yogyakarta. 
During her opening speech, Dr. Kusni encouraged students to work together in starting a business. As a campus focusing on entrepreneurship, Udinus is supportive of its students in becoming entrepreneurs, allowing work opportunities for many. 
“Becoming an entrepreneur is not as difficult as one would imagine, especially in the current time of technological breakthrough. By doing partnerships, students will gain new and excellent business opportunities. Thus, let us utilize our creative ideas and workforce with these opportunities,” she encouraged.
The talk show was attended by 70 chosen participants from various universities in Central Java. It was held online while complying with the health protocol in the auditorium located on the third floor of the E building at Udinus. The talk show took place on August 23rd, 2022.
Noviaji Wibisono—the Co-Founder of SOOCA—mentioned several tips and tricks on how to start a business. The most important thing is a high level of commitment. By having this commitment, one will have the upper hand to stay consistent with their businesses. The initial step that must be taken is determining the proper motivation. Then, one must also make their business a profit.
“Following that, you must also create a system compatible with the business. Upon its successful opening, you might as well open branches in various locations. Last but not least, a long-term investment is also important,” he explained.
As additional information, the Entrepreneur Talk is a part of the Entrepreneur Party event. On that occasion, an event entitled ‘Business Matching, Meet the Investor’ was also open. It was aimed at students who are interested in opening businesses.