The Basketball Unit at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) managed to earn achievements in three different categories at the 3x3 Mayor Cup several times prior.
At the Mayor Cup, which was participated by various college basketball teams within Central Java, the Basketball Unit at Udinus dispatched its best teams. As a result, Udinus managed to win first place in the women’s basketball category, first place in the men’s basketball category, and second place in the men’s basketball category. In the final stage of the men’s category, the B team from Udinus managed to claim a victory by an inch over the A team from Udinus, with a score of 20-18. Meanwhile, in the women’s category, the women’s basketball team from Udinus also claimed a close victory over the women’s basketball team from Universitas Diponegoro, with a score of 19-18.
David Ferdiyanto, the Head of the Basketball Unit at Udinus, expressed his pride for the three phenomenal accomplishments garnered by the unit. According to David, the preparations for the Mayor Cup had been systematically excellent.
“Bagi saya cukup puas untuk prestasi yang didapat, Target kami kedepan bisa masuk final di setiap event yang diikuti. Kedepan kami akan tetap menyiapkan diri sebaik mungkin untuk event selanjutnya, supaya selalu mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik,” jelas David.
Meanwhile, Dian Ayu Putri, one of the athletes on the women’s team, stated that she and her teammates did not only prepare their physical strength but also their mentality and basketball skills as well.
“kami latihan kurang lebih sebanyak 10 kali dalam satu minggu , bisa dibilang latihan kami cukup keras untuk mempersiapkan event event yang ada di depan mata karena target yang kami inginkan sangat serius.
The 3x3 Mayor Cup took place in the Satria Sports Building, Semarang, with the athletes of the teams at Udinus receiving a great amount of support.
Dr. Rindra Yusianto, S.Kom., MT., the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau at Udinus, expressed his pride in this excellent national accomplishment. He further hoped for this accomplishment to further motivate them to keep earning achievements.
“Saya ucapkan selamat atas juara yang diraih ini sebuah kebanggaan bagi Udinus. Membuktikan juga bahwa Basket Udinus mampu berjaya di tingkat nasional. Kami harap para atlet juga selalu memberikan terbaik,” tutupnya.(Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: dok Bima Udinus)