The Student Organization Capacity Coaching Program (PPKO) team consisting of Student Executives of the Computer Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted a workshop. The workshop concerned banana cultivation from the Work Training Agency (BLK) and an SME known as Omah Gedhang Ainun. The workshop took place at the village hall of Sidomakmur, Kendal Regency, on Tuesday, September 27th, 2022.
This series of community services was conducted by the Student Executives (BEM) of the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus. The community service was aimed at the locals of Sidomakmur, Kendal Regency, on Tuesday, September 27th, 2022.
The service, which helped students improve their soft skills, was carried out by the PPKO team consisting of Student Executives of the Computer Science Faculty. It encompassed various activities, including a workshop about banana cultivation from the Work Training Agency (BLK) and an SME known as Omah Gedhang Ainun. The workshop was mainly attended by the housewife community of Sidomakmur. In addition to the workshop, a greenhouse was also established to sustain the needs of farmers in Sidomakmur.
The workshop was opened by Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., (the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs), and following that, Tri Listiana (the Headman of Sidomakmur) also gave a speech. On that occasion, Dr. Drs. Abdul Syukur, M.M., (the Dean of the Computer Science Faculty) was also present, alongside Galuh Wilujeng Saraswati, M.Cs., (the Supervising Instructor of this program), Xunduz Taffany (the leader of the PPKO team), and the whole PPKO team.
Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., stated that PPKO was a form of community service presented by students. Furthermore, she revealed that the program would allow students to hone their soft skills, leading to them benefitting the public.
“Desa Sidomakmur sudah memiliki potensi yang bagus, sudah ada taman sehingga perlu dioptimalkan. Semoga dengan adanya kegiatan PPK dari mahasiswa kami, mutu lingkungan dan ekonomi warga akan meningkat sesuai dengan yang diharapkan,” harapnya.
Meanwhile, Xunduz Taffany Khansa (the Leader of the PPKO team) explained that this program served an important role in responding to various problems surrounding the general public. For additional information, the Student Organization Capacity Coaching Program (PPKO) itself is a program initiated by the Ministry of Education, which is particularly aimed at campus organizations.
“Program ini sudah kami mulai sejak bulan Juli lalu hingga bulan Desember mendatang. Melalui program ini kami juga mendapat kesempatan untuk belajar langsung dengan warga sekitar sebagai upaya memajukan perekonomian Desa,” ungkap mahasiswa angkatan 2020 itu.
The workshop featured two speakers. One of whom was Tri Ruwanto (a representative from the Work Training Agency of Kendal Regency). On that occasion, he explained several benefits of well-processed bananas, as well as the proper way to package banana products to increase their value.
“Melalui pelatihan ini kami berharap warga Sidomakmur dapat memanfaatkan hasil panen mereka dengan lebih tepat, sehingga akan mendapat nilai jual yang lebih tinggi. Terlebih dengan adanya greenhouse dan juga bibit tanaman yang sudah diberikan,” ujar Tri Ruwanto.
Meanwhile, the second topic was discussed by Nuraeni from Omah Gedhang Ainun. She stated and gave examples regarding banana-based products. (Humas/Diandra. Foto: Humas Udinus)