“Education is the most important piece of investment, multifunction investments for mending every aspect of life will gradually improve when one gets the best education,” Eka Riyanti uttered.
That motivation drove Eka, an Undergraduate Management Student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Kediri, to establish her very own tutoring department called ‘Bintang.’
The ‘Bintang’ tutoring department had stood ever since Eka graduated from High School. Eka revealed that she founded the department as it could benefit many people, particularly children. Currently, she is tutoring up to middle school students.
“Initially, I did not put up a price on my services. However, upon realizing that many of my pupils turned out to be gifted and accomplished, I began to charge them according to their needs,” Eka, born on September 13th, 1997 uttered.
Her tutoring department offered many benefits including a digital-based learning method, so that her pupils could be more familiar with technology and science. Eka also offered a cheaper program for her financially unstable pupils, and she even gave orphans free tutoring programs.
“The ‘Bintang’ Tutoring Department also offers a basic Qur’anic study for kindergarteners, as spiritual studies are also important,” Eka added.
Eka, currently a student in her fourth semester, possessed countless achievements in many different sectors including second place in the 2022 Future Scholarship Program initiated by Udinus and the mayor of Kediri. In the same year, she also became a ‘Denok Kenang’ in the Economics and Business Faculty at Udinus.
Not only that, but Eka was also active as the vice chairman for the Student Executive at Udinus Kediri. She gathered lots of knowledge regarding management as a result of the supportive atmosphere at Udinus. Eka shared that campus organizations gave her even more insight into running her tutoring department.
“Business knowledge and strategies are necessary for running a business. In addition, Udinus has also been accredited as ‘A’ and supported by professional lecturers,” concluded the owner of the @riyanti_aruna Instagram account. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)