The Animation Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) discussed the contribution given by the animation sector to the medical field. The topic was discussed with all students participating in the 2022 Mid-Year Camp. The discussion took place in a multipurpose room on the first floor of the D building at Udinus on September 20th, 2022.
The theme of that discussion was ‘Digitized for Health and Environment,’ with a lecturer from the Animation Department delivering it in an intriguing way. On that occasion, Nita Virena and Ristia Kadiasti showed the evolution of animation from time to time. Participants were also allowed to see various works created by the Animation Department. 
Nita Virena explained animated videos could be used to spread insight surrounding health and science. Through animated media, the message will become more intriguing and attract attention from various people of different backgrounds. Thus, both children and adults can grasp the ideas conveyed by the video easily.
“For that reason, the animation and medical sectors can go hand in hand as a way to convey more understandable and interesting ideas. Hopefully, this discussion will allow the participants to hold the same ideals toward the medical sector,” she explained.
In the discussion, they also explained the definition and history of animation. This was done to give the participants a basic understanding of animation. On that occasion, the participants were also seen enthusiastically engaging in the discussion indicated by the number of questions asked.
Mohammad Khairul, one of the participants of the 2022 Mid-Year Camp, expressed his joy in learning various things concerning animation. According to him, this discussion allowed the participants to understand the perfect combination of animation and medical sectors. For example, he could understand that animation could show him how COVID-19 spread, which would eventually become a pandemic.
“Through this discussion, we understand that animation could covey even complex and abundant ideas. It all depends on the creativity of the creator. I will never forget the materials presented by those two instructors,” he concluded.
The 2022 Mid-Year Camp was participated by 19 students from Universiti Malaka Terengganu (UMT). It was a program hosted by the Health Science Faculty at Udinus. All participants will sit in at Udinus for the next 12 days.