The 75th graduates of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang received education to face changes in the age of globalization and technological advancements. 
Participated by 1165 graduates, the seminar was hosted online using the Zoom Meeting platform. It featured two prominent speakers delivering motivational words and their experiences. Those two speakers were Harry Nuryanto Soediro, S.E., MM., —the Head of the Trade and Industrial House of Central Java—and Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom—the Chancellor of Udinus.  
During his session, Harry Nuryanto Soediro, SE., MM., explained that the world was undergoing dynamic and rapid changes due to globalization and technological advancements. For that reason, the young generation of Indonesia must be the light to handle these major changes. However, changes do not only inflict negative impacts but also positive ones as well. According to Harry, these positive changes could allow innovations and creativity to emerge. In addition, positive changes can also open an opportunity and social relations.
“These graduates will later spearhead in handling these changes in Indonesia. Thus, as the young generation, you must be adaptive to these changes,” he uttered.
He also added that there were four characteristics of a successful person. Those characteristics are the ability to study and self-improve, being able to determine goals properly, being realistic, and being able to identify one’s skills and competence. 
“You must all possess the characteristic of being focused and keeping evaluating yourselves to be better,” he added. 
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom.,—the Chancellor of Udinus—congratulated the graduates for taking an initial step into the real world. Furthermore, he also expressed his gratitude to all parents of the graduates for their prayers, hopes, and contributions. 
“Hopefully, this moment will be an initial step for these graduates, who have finished their undergraduate, diploma, and postgraduate studies,” the chancellor encouraged.
For additional information, the graduation will officially take place on Wednesday, August 31st, 2022. This seminar—initiated by the Alumni Association (IKA) of Udinus—served as a way to prepare these graduates to contribute to the nation.  
Herry Pamungkas, S.S., M.I.Kom.—the Head of the Alumni Association—also expressed his pride in all of the graduates, who would later serve as solutions rather than problems.
“We also featured several talented speakers to motivate these graduates, who will later be the spearhead of this nation during the pandemic times,” he hoped. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)