Adinda Agustin, a Public Health Student at Udinus, successfully became an environmental ambassador upon emerging as the champion at the 2018 Semarang Environmental Ambassador Contest. With her ambassador title, Adinda is ready to be the pioneer and help Semarang authorities in improving environmental quality in the city.


Through the support provided by the whole academic community at Udinus, Adinda managed to claim victory over other finalists. As the newly chosen ambassador, she will later be able to carry her responsibility to explore Semarang, particularly the environmental aspects possessed by the city, both from the perspective of locals and foreigners. Additionally, the sidetracked areas in the city might also be considered in mind as well by Adinda as those areas are still unsupportive in many aspects. “The knowledge I learned on campus is very useful to implement now that I am an environmental ambassador,” Adinda uttered.


Adinda uttered that Semarang was geographically good in terms of drainage and understanding regarding health. However, the same thing could not be said for the sidetracked areas of the city. “There were still improper houses, and sanitation was also barely liveable. To resolve those problems, we need to educate the locals residing in these sidetracked areas,” she said. Ambassador is not merely a title, but it is also a huge responsibility Adinda must carry to ensure the environmental conditions in Semarang by conducting proper activities.

“Other winners and I are still discussing what kind of strategies to implement in the future, as Semarang needs youths who care about the environmental conditions surrounding this city. Moreover, in the current era of globalization, youths tend to be more apathetic to their surroundings. Who else would carry this huge task if it weren’t the youths?” she revealed.


On a different occasion, Agus Triyono, S.Sos., M.Si., the Head of Public Relations at Udinus, emphasized that public relations would always support students to participate in positive competitions. Additionally, students were also expected to gather more achievements from events hosted by both public institutions and private ones.

“If a student were to accomplish something, other students would usually follow their follow their steps. This is what we have been expecting for so long as their accomplishments could make a name for the campus,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/ning/AT. Foto: dok. Adinda)


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Duta Lingkungan Hidup Kota Semarang