The knowledge of entrepreneurship has become a major insight which was proven by Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang toward its graduates. Including Dinda Sarawati Diponoyo, an alumna of the Communication Science Study Program at Udinus, who tried to build a business named ‘Invintato’. Her business is running in the field of invitation websites and QRCode, particularly at Weddings.
The design which was developed by her and her spouse had been warmly welcomed by the local community especially in Semarang City, leading to a very high demand. Even, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Dinda’s business ran very smoothly. ‘Invitato’ offers various products such as digital-based wedding invitations. Later, it would be packed into a website that can be shared through links and it can be accessed through all different types of gadgets.
“We have been running the Invintato business for around 1 year and until now, we have accepted so many orders. We even had to close the order in December 2021 because of how much the requests were coming not only from Semarang City but also other provinces as well,” explained Dinda, Born on September 18th, 1997.
She said that currently the product was being improved. Additionally, she also informed that her business emerged from an accident due to her wedding in 2020 Dinda used a website and QR code to invite her guests. Since then, her idea became a business.
With a combination of the entrepreneurship knowledge that she obtained at Udinus, she was able to build her very own Invitation Business. She also revealed that she had worked at a company named ‘Ruang Guru’ for roughly 2 years.
“We realize that this business has a huge potential and it attracts young engaged couples who are going to get married. ‘Invitato’ can be ordered through our Instagram account,” said Dinda. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: Personal Doc.)

Name :

Dina Saraswati Dipoyo - Alumna of Communication Science at Udinus