Having her drawing passion unleashed by her local environment and parents, Denise Sherlyn Sutejo (21), an Animation student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), has been initiating her hobby of drawing sketches on the wall since childhood.
Denise was indeed interested in following in her father's footsteps, who is also passionate about drawing. Not only did she sketch on the wall, but cupboards, sofas, and her father’s paperwork could not get away from the tip of her crayon. “My father has drawn as his hobby, so it is usual for him to support my habits, and my mother is also interested in handicrafts. Both of my parents kept telling me that they would give everything they could to support my passion,” she revealed.
To this day, Denise keeps developing her hobby and even uses digital media. In the Department of Animation at Udinus, there were tons of things she had learned including 3D Model, 2D Animation, and Cinematography. In addition to lectures, she was also offered by the department to participate in competitions, seminars, and other training programs. “The Department of Animation at Udinus is indeed recommended as the faculty members are very supportive of their students. Moreover, the environment could also sustain the needs of students as the lecturers constantly gave ideas to us,” Denise, born on November 23, 1999, in Bandung, uttered.
Meanwhile, Denise is also committed to honing her passion into the professional height. The campus reacted toward her commitment in such a supportive way by instructing Denise to teach the Cinematography club at a Private High School in Semarang. “It was pleasant to see high schoolers reflecting on my past self with animation and cinematography passions. Thus, I could give them inspiration and insight in addition to drawing,” she hoped. (Humas/Alex. Foto: Dok, Pribadi)
Name :
Denise Sherlyn Sutejo – Mahasiswi Prodi D-4 Animasi Udinus