Yoga Firmansyah Sulistyo, an artist, successfully showcased his ability and appeared in the newest Rich Brian’s music video called LAGOON. Yoga, an alumnus of the Visual Communication Design Study Program at Udinus was proud of his achievement.
Yoga earned his opportunity to make an appearance on the 88Rising YouTube channel upon emerging as the winner at the 2022 Axe competition. At that event, taking place in March of 2022, he got the opportunity to showcase his artistic ability. 
“I happened to be interested and I tried to participate by sending a video of me drawing an artwork. Eventually, I emerged as the victor and was chosen. It is truly a memorable experience to be able to perform with my idol,” Yoga revealed.
He has possessed an interest in the art sector since childhood.
Ultimately, his talent served as a motivation to continue his study in the Visual Communication Design Study Program at Udinus. 
Yoga, born on May 22nd, 1997, managed to utilize his talent to engage in the professional industry. With a mural background, he touched various media with the tip of his brush including, street walls, canvas, papers, and digital. 
“Cheap arts have their own uniqueness, and in my case, I took a reference from the Aztecs and Mayans from Central America as they have unique ethnical characteristics, with the color mixture of black, white, red, and yellow,” Yoga uttered.
According to Yoga, every mural artist had to possess their very own distinctive characteristics. Consequently, it is not hard to notice the artists just by looking at their artworks. 
Yoga, who graduated in 2019, claimed that he still implemented the knowledge he earned at Udinus in the industry. For instance, he could manage time when he is working on a project, particularly customer orders. 
Not only that, he obtained countless basic knowledge during his study. In fact, his obtained basic knowledge was crucial for him to be honed independently. The history of Visual Communication Design also served as a foundation for him to shape his artwork’s characteristics.
“By learning the history of Visual Communication Design, I could gain references from many different time periods. The main key to being an artist is to be passionate, then the fund and income will eventually come to us as we work tirelessly,” concluded the owner of @yogahya Instagram account. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)

Name :

Yoga Firmansyah Sulistyo – Alumni Prodi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual Udinus