If you have a passion for your hobbies, then pursuing them is a must because one day, that passion will be a key to success.,” Andika Primasiwi (37) quoted. Dika, an editor at suaramerdeka.com, is an alumnus of the English Literature Study Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus).


As a news editor, Dika has been interested in word processing forever. Whenever he sees an ‘out-of-place’ word in a text, he gets the urge to fix it. From those urges, he was motivated to be an editor. Every day, Dika has to edit a news article before publicizing it.


“My job always pressures me to be careful in editing a news article to avoid misinformation and to make it more understandable,” Dika revealed.


Not only is he an editor, but Dika, an alumnus of the 2004 cohort, is currently also working as an editorial secretary in his workplace. Additionally, Dika also writes various news regarding football and sports news in addition to actual news, particularly regarding European and Indonesian League issues and scoreboards.


During my editorial and writing journey, Obstacles sometimes do appear including how to make an article different from its source without vanishing the essence of the article. To overcome this drawback, I normally read the article first and then process it with my own words,” Dika, born on December 9, 1984, in Semarang, explained.


During his studies at Udinus, Dika was a student in the Computer Science Faculty. However, upon studying there for a year, he began to focus on his passion and switched major to the Department of English Literature, which has been renamed into the Department of English Language.


“Switching my major and following my passion were the best decisions for me, and there have been many fragments of knowledge I implemented in my job. One of which is translation as I must occasionally translate an article from foreign media,” Dika uttered.


Name :

Andika Primasiwi – Alumni S1 Sastra Inggris Udinus