Delinta Talia Kusuma Wardani, an Undergraduate Communication Science Student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), currently owns four businesses engaging in culinary and fashion. Initially started as simply a reseller, Delinta worked her own way to owning her very own products. Additionally, she was also featured in various seminars as a speaker.
Delinta has been showcasing her entrepreneurial mindset ever since she was 12. At that time, she was wearing a Paris bracelet which was a hit back then. Following that, her friends began to show interest in it and asked her to buy some more for them. Thence, she had the idea to sell bracelets. That idea rapidly came true, she could sell three sacks of bracelets.
Upon her entrance as a middle schooler, her products started to vary, with clothes and women's fashions as the new additions. After gathering enough experience as a reseller, Delinta opened her online shop, Detakuwa, an acronym for her full name. In addition to being a reseller, Delinta initiated a culinary business centered around Indonesian cuisine named Detakuwa Kitchen. Moreover, she also opened two more enterprises encompassing, which mainly sold fruit juice, and another culinary venture revolving around Japanese delicacies called Oushi.smg.
This Osushi product is still fairly new, she only established this business in the pandemic times. Despite the pandemic, her products are always sold.
“I was once afraid to launch a new venture during pandemic times. Alhamdulillah, it turned out that my newly opened enterprise was not a flop,” she shared.
Delinta uttered that it required innovative minds to be successful as an entrepreneur. She demonstrated herself as an example as she innovated upon her sushi, which cost Rp. 10.000, and through her clever ideas, she could come up with a larger variant that cost Rp. 45.000.
Delinta also offers courier service to her customers. This dedication to her customers is what caused her ventures to succeed with over 9 million rupiah in monthly turnover.
Despite being busy taking care of her businesses, she still prioritizes her studies. Delinta even claimed that she had been intrigued with the Department of Communication Science at Udinus since high school. According to her, this department is distinctive from other Communication Science Departments as it revolves around digital technology.
“I have implemented much knowledge relating to the field of Communication Science, including Marketing Communication, Branding and Advertising, Business Photography, and other courses entailing the Business Communication major,” she explained.
She hoped to open her store upon graduating from college as she currently focuses on her education. “I am planning to open a shop. However, I need to handle and supervise it by myself. Hopefully, I can finish my studies soon,” she uttered. (Humas/Almira. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)
Name :
Delinta Talia Kusuma Wardani – Mahasiswi S-1 Ilmu Komunikasi Udinus