Farrel Athaillah Putra, an Undergraduate Infromatics student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has recently stolen the public’s attention for his newly developed start-up called ‘Naratik,’ which could serve as a solution to preserve ‘batik.’ 
During the development of ‘Naratik,’ Farrel was accompanied by 5 other students from three different campuses including, Udinus, The Purwokerto Institute of Telkom Technology, and Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) Semarang. As the chief developer of this app, Farrel explained that this app was made to help the home industries in Pekalongan, Yogyakarta, and Semarang to preserve ‘batik.’ 
“Initially, we formed this team to develop a capstone project which also served as the final project at the 2021 Bangkit. Currently, we also see the lack of validator to identify the authenticity of ‘batik’,” Farrel explained. 
So far, Naratik has been evolving and innovating to conserve ‘batik.’ Additionally, Naratik also offers 3 products including Naralens, Narashop, and Narauction.
Farrel shared that Naralens was unique Naratik’s mobile app served as a validator to check the ‘batik’ authenticity, while at the same time, Naralens could also grant the customers the privilege to search for various local ‘batik’ home industries. Through this service, customers could also customize their ‘batik’ which was directly connected with several 'batik' home industries in many regions.
Whereas, Narauction is a C2C platform functioning as a live auction service dedicated to various old ‘batik’ validated by curators. On this platform, consumers could find many old and rare ‘batik’ with deep meanings and high-level aesthetics. 
“Through the ‘Naratik’ start-up and its apps, my colleagues and I could surely reach our dream of preserving ‘batik,’” Farrel explained. 
Farrel emphasized that ‘batik’ was such an essential thing to learn, particularly for Indonesian youths. Farrel further explained that ‘batik,’ acknowledged by UNESCO, bore meanings and philosophies in every strand of it. 
“As the Indonesian youths, it is indeed our task to preserve this precious cultural heritage,” Farrel emphasized. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)

Name :

Farrel Athaillah Putra – Mahasiswa Prodi S1 Teknik Informatika Udinus