As a medical counselor at the Ambarawa Public Health Center, Gheril Pranita Renja Pangkas gives counseling and education services to the local community. Being a medical counselor is one of the job prospects possessed by the Department of Public Health at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus).


Gheril holds the responsibility to run the Health Promotion Program (Promkes) and Elderly Health. By opening a counseling session, hopefully, it may reduce the risk of undesirable illnesses. Despite having only walked her career since early 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic did not stop Gheril from starting her journey as a medical counselor. Gheril did not work all by herself, in fact, the local sub-district authorities and law enforcement helped her provide counseling to the local communities.

“I do all these things in order to educate the local community, I also possess the responsibility of handling the swab data tracing at the Public Health Center and creating educational media on the official Health Center’s Instagram account,” she explained.


Gheril, who graduated in 2017, usually gives educational content regarding health protocol, vaccination, and COVID-19. The educational content is commonly made in the form of voice recordings played at supermarkets, or when she conducts a socialization program.

“It is truly a prideful moment whenever someone thanks us for our services, which implies that health professionals are still needed,” Gheril, born on December 12th, 1995 in Semarang, explained.


Gheril, a former member of the Tobacco Free Community at Udinus, was once granted a scholarship during her studies. She also managed to graduate on time and became a bachelor in Public Health Science. She added that the atmosphere and environment at Udinus pushed her to be accomplished. Furthermore, Udinus was also well-equipped with laboratories allowing Gheril to effectively pursue her study.

“Moreover, the Public Health Study Program granted me the access to learn the public’s characteristics, since every job ties with humans and no knowledge falls in vain if we keep innovating,” Gheril concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)


Name :

Gheril Pranita Renja Pakas – Alumni S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat Udinus