“After graduating and acquiring the bachelor’s degree, we have to compete against other people in finding jobs, and a strong mentality is very needed. This competitive mentality has to be strengthened while studying in college. We can reinforce it by participating in different kinds of competition that we are interested in,” explained Indra Kusuma, an alumnus of the Informatics Study Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). Currently, he is pursuing his career as a Senior Software Engineer – Web Platform at an Electronic Trading Company called Tokopedia.
Starting from his passion for participating in several competitions on campus. Indra got the offer to work at Tokopedia, not long after he competed at the Tokopedia Devcamp Contest in 2018. “Finally, in October 2018 I started the internship, and within a month, I officially joined as a Software Engineer in the Mobile Web Sector. After that, I got moved into the Web Platform Sector,” stated Indra.
His role is usually called Web Platform Engineer or WPE, Indra is responsible for several modules such as basket, checkout, order history, and some other internal tools. Besides that, Indra alongside the WPE team, would implement some features that are suggested by the team product into the official website. “Since the beginning, I have always been interested in the web because of the simplicity of opening the web address without having to install the application. By that means, users can already enjoy our implementation,” said Indra, who graduated in 2018.
During his career, Indra has accomplished a lot of achievements. For example, he was promoted to senior position after showing his great performance for over a year of work. Besides that, he also obtained two awards at the Townhall Team Competition.
Indra said “The Townhall is routinely organized once every 3 months to discuss every individual’s achievement in the company. In 2021, I received the 'Make It Happen Make It Better Q1' award for consistently completing tasks on time and kept improving them”.
The alumnus who was actively involved as a web developer staff at Dian Nuswantoro Computer Club (DNCC) has been passionate about Information and Technology since Junior High School. He became more interested in studying them at Udinus after participating in an IT competition by DNCC.
“So far, I still continue to apply many things that I learned during my college years, starting from the basic programming language and logical thinking, internet programming, management project skills, negotiation skills, and public speaking that I got from campus organizations as my career support,” explained Indra. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: Personal Doc)
Name :
Indra Kusuma – Alumni S1 Teknik Informatika Udinus