“The broadcasting industry will take itself to a whole different realm. Digitalization is inevitable as many new media will utilize the internet and streaming services causing the broadcasting field to attract many people regardless of their background,” uttered Waluyo Sutomo, A.Md., an alumnus of the Diploma Broadcasting Study Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). Waluyo is currently working as a coverage staff at the Ministry of State Secretariat.
Waluyo stated that digital advancement brought many positive impacts to broadcasting graduates, not only in the creative industry and production houses; these graduates could also work as government staff. He revealed that the graduates possessed high opportunities to knit their careers in government agencies.
“Government agencies hold very promising opportunities for broadcasting graduates as broadcasters are necessary to do some publishing affairs,” he explained.
Waluyo claimed that he had been interested in the field of broadcasting ever since he was a high schooler. This desire caused him to pursue his passion at Udinus allowing him to make a living out of his passion.
Despite being a government staff, Waluyo did not stop learning. As a matter of fact, this very job served as a reference for him to create new ideas.
Waluyo hoped that the next graduates of the Broadcasting Department could produce more and more masterpieces by enhancing their skills. “Hopefully, broadcasters could generate works that inspire others. These works could certainly be conveyed through government agencies and many other creative industries,” he uttered.
Besides that, Dr. Agus Triyono, S. Sos. M.Kom., a lecturer and faculty member of the Department of Broadcasting at Udinus, stated that the department is mainly oriented on various aspects including information, broadcasting, coverage, and many more. The graduates of this department hold the prospect of working at government agencies in addition to the creative industries.
“Udinus could shape its students into prospective graduates equipped with aspects that aid them in the industry. The graduates of the broadcasting department are currently needed by corporations,” he emphasized.
Udinus will always try its best to produce more job-ready graduates equipped with high-level competence through its facilities, including laboratories and the means for students to implement their knowledge. (Humas Udinus/Nuvia. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)
Name :
Waluyo Sutomo – Alumni D3 Broadcasting Udinus