A talented yet young basketball player known as Jonathan Karel Setiawan continued his studies at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). Jonathan, better known as Jojo, triumphantly brought his high school ‘SMA Terang Bangsa’ to be one of the top 4 at the 2019 Honda DBL Central Java Series North Region.
Jonathan Karel Setiawan will be majoring in the field of Informatics at Udinus. Jojo decided to enroll on this campus as the campus held high prestige. Additionally, he stated that the graduates of this campus would be able to initiate a career path in both state-owned enterprises and privately owned ones.
“It is truly a great experience to enroll at Udinus. God bless I could enroll on this campus through my achievements as a basketball player and get a full scholarship from the campus,” explained the youth.
His love for basketball has run since he was but a 4-year-old. His persistence in training and playing basketball brought him to be accomplished, allowing him to ease his parents’ shoulders.
He also oversaw his goal to be a professional basketball player. By enrolling at Udinus, he could utilize the basketball team on campus as the team is fairly well-known in Central Java. Moreover, he said that Udinus was the perfect place to balance his life both as an athlete and student.
“In the future, I will aim to do the best I can to make a name for this campus in the basketball sports branch. Furthermore, Udinus also has a basketball team with strong bonds as the coaches and teammates constantly share care toward each other,” Jojo emphasized.
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro in itself is a college institution accredited as ‘A’ with several high-quality departments and facilities for students to enhance their soft and hard skills. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)
Name :
Jonathan Karel Setiawan – Pemain Basket