It is indeed possible to achieve your desired career path by pursuing and developing your passion. Through this method, Kholid Hazmi, an alumnus of the Undergraduate Informatics Study Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), has been successful in his career as an editor at Jawa Pos Radar Kudus.
Despite picking the field of informatics at college, Kholid knits his career in the journalism industry. According to him, it does not matter where we graduate from so long as we stay determined at work since there will always be a thing or two to implement in the industry. “Even though journalism has little to nothing to do with the field of Informatics, I still do implement much knowledge out of it, including planning. It is indeed necessary for a journalist to plan the coverage beforehand so that it could gain some merits,” he mentioned.
Being a journalist has always been his dream ever since he was a small child. On campus, Kholid honed his passion through the Pers Wartadinus Student Unit. Through the unit, he gained many shards of knowledge relating to journalism including news writing, layout making, and interview techniques. “Additionally, I could also learn how to communicate with the team or the interviewee to extend my relations, this very experience could certainly give me benefits in the Industry,” Kholid explained.
This passion of his served as a distinction from other Informatics students. Kholid revealed that he once worked at the Public Relations Media Center at Udinus as an intern. He added that we should also improve our hard and soft skills on campus. “When I was but a student, I took the offer to become a reporter at Jawa Pos Radar Kudus, and I got the job,” he concluded.
Name :
Kholid Hazmi – Alumni S1 Teknik Informatika Udinus