Universitas Dian Nuswantoro has always been supportive of its students to unleash their inner potential and gather accomplishments. Sita Ramadhani Saputra, a Japanese Literature student in the Humanities Faculty at Udinus, successfully became triumphant through her essay-themed “Gender Equality” in an event called Indonesia National Sustainable Development Goals Essay Competition last April.
Sita used this theme because gender equality had been a serious issue in Indonesia, and there had to be steps to address this problem, particularly in Semarang as discrimination toward women in Semarang was still prevalent. “My essay mainly discusses Javanese culture, in which women are discouraged from working, with many of them choosing to be housewives instead. In that essay, I explained what would happen if women had the right to do activities and work outside,” Sita explained.
The fact that this topic was rare pushed Sita to write and address it. The gap between men’s and women’s rights was a unique concept; thus, it could lead Sita to emerge in the top 50 in the International Essay Competition.
Sita explained that she had two months to prepare the essay. During those two months, she worked tirelessly to better her grammar and writing skills, she also constantly consulted her essay to professionals in order to develop the topic. “I did have the desire to win, but it was not that big of a deal as winning needs process. Upon participating in previous essay competitions, the writing passion I concealed emerged guiding me to take part in more contests. Also, writing has become a hobby for me at this point, so I will always be ready if I were to be encouraged to write an essay or other kinds of papers,” Sita emphasized.
The contest was a national-scale one, and it was organized by an organization known as Future Leader League through an online platform. Sita’s essay was qualified to be top 100 in the competition. Meanwhile, Agus Triyono, S.Sos., M.Si., expected students to be passionate about improving their talents and skills. “This could serve as an example to push other students to do the same,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/lex/AT. Foto: dok. Pribadi)
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