Engaging in the field of entrepreneurship as a student is nothing new to Sabila Ilham Bimantara, an Alumnus of the Communication Science Study Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), Bima is indeed ambitious in finding new things during his studies.
On campus, he was active in various student organizations and units including the Communication Science Student Association, the Kamplink Theather unit, and BAI. Furthermore, he also established a toast business known as ‘Roti Bakart 518’.
The word ‘Art’ in ‘Rotibakart’ derives from Bima’s art-loving nature. “I love any form of art, such as gamelan, theater, poetry, and dances; I even modified my cart to induce artistic value in it,” he uttered.
Currently, Roti Bakart has four outlets scattered around Semarang. They are located at Indraprasta Park, Kebonharjo, the Kota Lama Creative Industry Gallery, and Tlogosari. “I once also opened an outlet in the entrepreneurial tent at Udinus as the representative of the Computer Science Faculty,” Bima, who graduated in 2019, revealed.
Despite owning several outlets, Bima encounters many hardships as an entrepreneur. “There once was an outlet with almost no customers and many other obstacles that made me give up. However, I keep cheering up myself to always be thankful,” he said.
Through his experience in the toast business, Bima learned his market demographic, where families tend to like generic tastes such as chocolate and cheese. Whereas youths tend to order unique flavors including green tea, chocomaltine, and Nutella.
Bima claimed that he had little to no free time to run his business and conduct campus activities. “At that time, I really have no free time. In the morning, I attended lectures, and following that, I had to shop for groceries. In the afternoon, I needed to go back to campus; sometimes, I had to attend organization meetings. Later that night, I work at my outlet,” he revealed.
Nevertheless, living independently was his greatest wish. With strong will and determination, his business could generate income for him to pay his college tuition.
Furthermore, he encouraged his fellow entrepreneurs not to fear failure. “Do not think about it too much, take a big step and move forward. You do not need to fulfill your meaningless pleasure as a student, it is time for you to focus your time on studying and gathering experience,” he concluded (Humas Udinus/Almira. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)
Name :
Sabila Ilham Bimantara – Alumni Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Udinus