Udinus Debating Community (UDC) is one of the communities at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). It serves as a platform to improve its members’ debating skills, gain insight from many different perspectives, and earn various accomplishments. 

Robiatul Adawiyah, The Chief of UDC for the 2021/2022 period, said that she obtained lots of accomplishments during her time in the community, one of which was becoming a quarterfinalist at the 2019 Porsimaptar English Debate Competition and a semi-finalist at the 2021 CJDC. In the community, Robiatul was pushed to think critically and solve problems in a debate topic so she could be aware of world development.

“I am glad to be a part of this community as I could improve my public speaking skills and become more confident,” said the student of the 2019 cohort.

UDC was officially founded in 2019 and has achieved tons of national accomplishments since its establishment both in the English debate and the Indonesian debate. Currently, UDC is also included in the Central Java Debate Community (CJDC) which consists of several debate communities in many different universities in Central Java.

Robiatul, a Visual Communication Design student at Udinus, always chooses her priority when managing her time between campus and community activities by deciding which one is more important and how to do the task efficiently.

“I always write a to-do list so that I can maintain both campus and community activities without abandoning one of them,” she explained.

Udinus Debating Community

Udinus Debating Community, consisting of 17 active students, usually holds a weekly training session. The recently retired Chief of UDC of the 2020/2021, Syella Tania explained that the training session was divided into two sections that were internal debate training using a designated topic and a routine sparring with other campuses in Central Java. This training session is held to incite a true debate atmosphere.

“Ironically, this COVID-19 pandemic makes it easier to host the weekly training session as it could be held online. We could also participate in more competitions since we do not have to worry regarding transportation and lodgement,” Syella, the President of the Central Java Debating Community of 2021, explained.

Udinus Debate Community, instructed by Wikan Isthika SE, M.Ec, Ak, also requires its members to be consistent and have the initiative to develop as being a debater is no easy matter and takes time.

“You could join the UDC by formally filling out a recruitment form, for further information regarding the recruitment form and other things, you could access our Instagram account named @udinus.dc,” Syella encouraged. (Humas Udinu/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)


Name :

Komunitas Udinus – Udinus Debating Community