Hardworking results in success, these words apply to an Applied Medical Record and Health Information student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang, Umi Sa’diyah.

She showcased her tireless effort by participating in various scientific paper competitions. She currently has participated in six competitions and only two of them got satisfying results. In the last two events, she secured first and third place in the same category.

Sa’diyah had been interested in writing articles since her high school days. Currently, she has produced many medical journals one of which discusses the Android-based claim reimbursement application. To improve the quality of her journals, she did countless efforts including joining a student organization concerning article writing.

“Upon enrolling at Udinus, I looked for a student organization that was capable of supporting my ability in writing scientific journals. I eventually joined the Reasoning Student Activity Unit (UKM). During my time there, I learned a lot of things regarding scientific journal writing,” Sa’diyah explained.

Sa’diyah revealed that she routinely searched for national and international journals to improve her writing skill in writing scientific articles. She claimed that it was crucial to gain new knowledge in the research sector. Sa’diyah, born on January 27th, 2001 in Jepara, encouraged her fellow students to keep looking for experience and gaining personal skills.

“I usually combine several scientific journals relating to each other when I run out of ideas. After that, I proceed to connect the journals with the competition’s theme. To all my fellow students, please keep improving your skills diligently before you carve your career in the industry,” Sa’diyah concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)

Name :

Umi Sa’diyah – Mahasiswi Prodi D-3 Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Udinus