“Do not be hesitant to be your own teacher and if you have ideas to create a project, you need to make it real as it would serve as a portfolio in the future,” emphasized Jalaludin Muhammad Karim, an alumnus of the Undergraduate Informatics Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). Currently, Jalal is pursuing his career as a full-stack developer at social commerce known as Otozilla.
Jalal, an alumnus of the 2014 cohort, has been working as an IT developer since his college days; at that time, he worked as an intern at Madhang.id. Upon graduating, Jalal worked at that company for a whole year. “After I gathered experience at Madhang, I decided to move to Jakarta and establish a start-up business called ‘Job Ready’ with my friends, which unfortunately failed due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” he explained.
However, his passion for establishing a business did not just fade away. With the same team, he chose to found Otozilla and launch it on Appstore and Playstore. “As a full-stack developer, I normally work on websites, IOS apps, and servers. Additionally, Otozilla possesses various features allowing users to transact and establish communities, as well as post their activities,” he explained.
Otozilla, a part of Global Digital Semesta Ltd., serves as social commerce. On top of that, this app and social website aims to house digital communities in the Automotive Industry to interact and do business affairs with each other.
Jalal, born on June 4, 1995, in Salatiga, stated that he utilized the knowledge he obtained on campus to its fullest, as the basics of programming are among the essential elements in diving in the industry. Furthermore, he also added that the concepts and logic behind many programs were almost identical. “On campus, students were taught to think following how programs work and learn various programming languages,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)
Name :
Jalaludin Muhammad Karim – Alumni S1 Teknik Informatika Udinus