Pushing youths to embark on their entrepreneurial journey, The Islamic Unit Matholi’ul Anwar at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held an entrepreneurial workshop. The workshop was mainly aimed at students, and it took place on April 8th, 2023, in the theater room on the sixth floor of the I building. 
The workshop aimed to provide youths insight into entrepreneurship. Thus, the Islamic Unit featured competent speakers to present the materials. 
The first speaker was Imam Nuryanto, S.E., M.M., a faculty member from the Economics and Business Faculty. He mainly discussed ‘Business Strategy Planning on Islamic Perspective and Business Model Canvas (BMC). Following that, the second speaker by the name of Alvina Wardani, S.Psi., the Founder of Panjang Umur Chocolate Ice, explained the importance of education, particularly in the field of entrepreneurship for students.
Roughly 42 participants attended the workshop, including students and the public. With the theme ‘Having an Interest in Entrepreneurship, Youths Can Do It,’ the Islamic Unit raised awareness toward the youths regarding the importance of becoming an entrepreneur. Similar to the explanation given by Fahri Alfian Malik, the Head of the Committee of this event. 
“By becoming entrepreneurs, we can open new job opportunities and reduce the unemployment rate,” he added.
This workshop is an annual agenda for the Islamic Unit at Udinus, and it is mainly hosted by the funding division in the Islamic Unit. In addition, Fahri also mentioned that there were several differences in this year’s workshop compared to previous years.
“Last year, the workshop was held online, but we decided to host it offline this year. Furthermore, by hosting it offline, the audience was more enthusiastic about attending our workshop to finish,” he revealed.
Dr. Mahmud, S.E., M.M., the Instructor of the Islamic Unit, hoped that this workshop could serve as a platform for students to gather more knowledge and become more knowledgeable, particularly concerning entrepreneurial insight. Moreover, participants were expected to grow their own entrepreneurial mindset and implement it properly. 
“As an annual event, the workshop will be updated accordingly with the advancements of technology. Hopefully, the participants could gather meaningful insight from us and not misuse the advancements of technology," he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. BAI Udinus)