


The Chancellor of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., gave words of encouragement to the medalists of the 2023 SEA Games. Not only did the chancellor encourage them to focus on their sports career, he also pushed them to spare their time to continue their studies.

It is only a general knowledge that these athletes had gotten their scholarships to continue their studies, and those athletes being Pratama Arhan Alif, Irfan Jauhari, Ernando Ari, Ilham Rio Fahmi, Arneta Putri Amelian, Dinda Putri Lestari, Siti Aminah, and Hafidh Nuur. These athletes come from various sports branches, including football, volleyball, and taekwondo. In addition to scholarships, these medalists also received gadgets to sustain their academic needs.

The scholarship handover took place on the third floor of the E building, with several members of the academic community being present. Upon the handover, those athletes met the chancellor on the first building of the G building.

On the same occasion, the chancellor gave advice to those athletes regarding their studies. Despite their international accomplishments, they still indeed must not forget about their academic affairs.

“We gave them scholarships to sustain their future. This opportunity might be precious for them and should not be put to waste. Moreover, these scholarships could also help them in finding jobs and establishing businesses,” the chancellor explained.

At the meeting, the athletes of Indonesian National Team U-22, who were also students of the Management program at Udinus, shared their experiences during the 2023 Sea Games, with Dr. Kusni Ingsih, MM., the Vice Chancellor III of the Student Affairs, and Dr. Rindra Yusianto S.Kom., MT., the Head of Student Affairs Bureau accompanying them.

One of those athletes, Ilham Rio Fahmi, expressed his pleasure for being bestowed a scholarship all the way to his master’s studies. According to Rio, making it into universities had always been his dream.

“I will not waste this opportunity; I could not thank the academic community enough for the scholarship. Back then, I wanted to continue my studies at universities, but at that time, I could not afford the tuition. Fortunately, my accomplishments as a football athlete led me to continue my studies,” Rio concluded.

Those athletes could triumphantly bring a gold medal and two bronze medals in various sports branches, including Football, Volleyball, and Taekwondo. The gold medal was garnered by claiming victory over Thailand in the finale of the 2023 SEA Games. While two bronze medals were achieved by Dinda Putri Lestari from the Taekwondo Sports Branch and Arneta Putri Amelian from the Volleyball Sports Branch. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)