The Engineering Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) conducted a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) about a partnership opportunity with Bethari Batterry Ltd., Zhejiang GBS System, and the Communication and Information Service of Semarang. The FGD is primarily concerned the development of electric vehicles and robotics.
The discussion took place in the conference room on the first floor of the I building, with the innovations created by Udinus being the main topics. One of those innovations is the Udinus Campus’ Electric Pedicab (Becik-KU). Currently, the electric pedicab is still undergoing a development process carried by the Engineering Faculty.
The discussion was attended by several representatives from those four parties, namely, Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., (the Dean of the Engineering Faculty), Muhammad Harun (the Director of Bethari Battery Ltd.), Karl Wenren (the Vice President of Zheijang GBS System), and Sunarto (the Head of the Communication and Information Service of Semarang).
During his interview, Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., (the Dean of the Engineering Faculty) stated that the Forum Group Discussion served as a partnership opportunity in researching batteries and electric vehicles. The Chinese company also offered batteries that had been tested and qualified. Additionally, the dean also stated that the campus aimed to establish a Battery Management System Lab..
“We will later collaborate our technology with theirs to develop a system with the capability of controlling and supervising the battery health, which is also reinforced by the Internet of Things (IoT) technology,” he explained.
Meanwhile, Muhammad Harun, the Director of the Bethari Battery, hoped for this Forum Group Discussion (FGD) to continue with the partnership between those four parties. According to him, this was a strategic move in shaping Semarang into a Smart City.
“We have seen that Udinus has remarkable innovations and technology, with one of them being the Becik-KU. Hopefully, the synergies between us can eventually continue well, allowing Semarang to become a Smart City,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)