Rico Muhammad Nashrullah – Mahasiswa Program Sarjana Teknik Informatika Udinus
Berkat kegemarannya di bidang pemrograman, Rico Muhammad Nashrullah berhasil memproduksi puluhan game berbasis Android hingga Windows. Mahasiswa Prodi S-1 Teknik Informatika Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) itu bahkan menjadi Co-Founder di sebuah studio pembuatan game yakni PT. Leolit Game Studio.
Rico shared that he had been studying programming language since elementary school. His passion emerged as a result of his interest in the process of making video games or digital games.
“I am interested in making video games ever since I was in elementary. Understanding programming languages is not easy, but with persistence, you can basically do anything,” he shared.
Upon graduating from elementary, Rico continued his study in an Islamic boarding school located in East Java. Fortunately, he was allowed to use his laptop there and he revealed that using technology brought more positive impacts than the other way around. In 2020, when he was a twelve grader, Rico successfully released his first video game with the help of his friends.
“My first Android-based video game was released in 2020. The game was uploaded on Google Play Store bearing the title ‘Among Us-I’m not an Impostor,” said Rico who was born in 2003.

Rico, currently a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in his own company, knew his four colleagues through a programming community which eventually marked the foundation of Leolit Game Studio, Ltd on June, 22nd 2021.
“We have currently produced 11 games in Leolit Games, one of the successful ones was ‘Lato Lato The Games’ with a total of 800 downloads,” Rico explained.
Within a month, Leolit Games could get at least Rp.20.000.000,00 of turnover. “The turnover was gained through advertisements and in-app purchases,” Rico said.
He is currently undergoing study at Udinus majoring in Undergraduate Informatics. He admitted that he had learned many things including hard skills and soft skills during his study at Udinus.
“Tidak hanya itu, relasi yang saya dapatkan selama berkuliah di Udinus juga cukup banyak. Terlebih dengan atmosfer perkuliahan yang mendukung, saya dapat mengikuti kegiatan perkuliahan dengan baik,” ujar mahasiswa angkatan 2022 itu. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)