Athletes from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) once again earned accomplishments at a national competition, Recently, they attained a total of ten medals at the National Sports Week XVII in Padang.  

Those medals were garnered in several sports branches at the Sports Week, with gold one being grasped in the Taekwondo, Karate, and Wall Climbing sports branches. 

In the Taekwondo sports branch, two students managed to bring two gold medals, namely, Dinda Putri and Shaleha Fitriana, whereas a student named Dwita Isriyan earned the bronze medal. As for the Karate sports branch, Hera Irnandha was able to win two gold medals, and Getta Shafada managed to grasp a silver medal, as well as a bronze medal. Meanwhile, two students claimed three medals in the wall climbing sports branch, with two silver medals belonging to Berthdigna Devi Surya Kusuma and a silver medal belonging to Aditya Tri Syahria. 

Hera Irnandha, a gold medallist and a Management student, expressed his gratitude for the support provided by the Karate team and the whole academic community at Udinus. She and her fellow athletes had prepared their best for this National Sports Week. 

“It is indeed a token of pride for us to represent the Central Java contingent at this year’s National Sports Week. Such truly priceless experiences as our dedication and hard work finally came to fruition in the form of medals for our contingent,” Hera revealed.

Aditya Tri Syahria, a silver medallist and a Communication Science student, expressed his joy for being able to contribute to the campus at this year’s National Sports Week. According to him, his brilliant strategies and tactics led him to get his deserved gold medal. 

“Udinus has provided remarkable support and assistance to us, and I am proud of myself as well as my fellow athletes for representing the Central Java contingent at the National Sports Week, allowing us to put a good name on our campus,” he uttered.

Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, congratulated those athletes for earning a total of ten medals at the prestigious sports event. She also promised the academic community to provide further support to the athletes.

“I hereby congratulate our athletes for their magnificent efforts at the 2022 National Sports Week XVII in Padang,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)