As the 2024 election comes near, The Raya General Election Commission (KPUR) at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) encouraged students to wisely respond to certain information. The activity was conducted in the form of a seminar in the auditorium on the seventh floor of the H building on Friday, January 27th, 2023.
The seminar, entitled “The Role of Millennials in Fighting Misinformation Concerning the 2024 Presidential Election,’ featured several famous speakers from various institutions. Those speakers were Yusuf Manggala Adityama S.A.P. (a supervisor of elections) and Dr. Rachmawati Zulfaningrum, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom. (the Head of the Communication Science Department). The seminar was attended by students sparking enthusiasm, with many questions being asked at the event.
Yusuf Manggala Adityama, the first speaker, mainly discussed the role of youths during the 2024 Presidential Election. Those roles included participating and spreading information regarding the development of the election. On the same occasion, he reminded the audience to always respond to every piece of information wisely using technology.
“Do not be afraid to report misinformation to the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu). The future of our nation depends on this election. Thus, we must not choose the wrong individual to lead our country,” he said.
From the academic standpoint, Dr. Rahmawati Zulfaningrum, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom., also presented material concerning the role taken by youths in responding to misinformation regarding the 2024 Presidential Election. “Hopefully, our students and other youths can prevent the spread of information and lead the general public to the proper information,” she revealed
Inez Nagata Putri, one of the participants and a Health Science Faculty student, revealed her impression of the seminar. According to her, the seminar was useful, particularly for youths.
“Through this seminar, I could learn many things, particularly how to face misinformation surrounding the election. Also, we were taught to form a fair election free from conflict,” she concluded.
It is only a general truth for everyone to utilize technology wisely and not believe anything easily on the Internet. As an excellent-accredited university, Udinus will always wisely educate students in responding to certain information. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas Udinus)