Soft and Organizational Skills are essential for college students, particularly Leony Christine Manurung. Leony was a part of various organizations one of which was Community Development (Comdev) in the Puan Bisa Community. In the Puan Bisa Community, she could empower women in the mental health, career, and self-improvement sectors.  
Leony was chosen as a team leader in the Puan Bisa Community due to her persistence in the community. During her time as the team leader of Comdev, she had to carry many responsibilities on her shoulders, including giving ideas and explaining the ideas briefly to her team members and colleagues. 
“My responsibilities are preparing strategies to over-achieve the Objective and Key Results, ensuring the team members’ mental and physical health by bonding with them, and partnering with other communities,” Leony uttered.
Leony revealed that her activeness in organizations emerged as a result of her eagerness to learn and her willingness to be active as a university student. She held the principles of exploring many things in her college years, not only academically, but also non-academically. By joining organizations, she could optimize her time and gain many relations. 
“My organizational skills surfaced upon joining the Puan Bisa Community. The community helped me to shape myself into the way I am today.” Leony explained. 
According to Leony, the Environmental Health Study Program was exciting as it tackled societal issues on a daily basis. Therefore, the study program not only offers indoor learning activities, but it also provides outdoor learning experiences including, exploring environmental issues and human life. Furthermore, the Environmental Health Study Program is also accredited as superior. 
“In this study program, not only did I learn how to live healthily, but I also learned that environmental aspects influence human health,” Leony concluded.