“As a filmmaker, we shouldn’t be too focused on festival events, but instead, we should concentrate on making as many films as possible, winning or losing is merely a bonus, at least that is what I think,” Taufik Nabilla (22) emphasized. Taufik, a Student of the Applied Film and Television Study Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, is currently pursuing his career as a film director.
Despite being a newcomer in the film sector, Taufik had successfully made a few movies. His latest movie entitled, Anglocita (2022) clutched a total of five national achievements in 2022. Two of which were the runner-up in Semarang Gawe Film in terms of direction and a Favorite Movie at the Universitas Jember Film Festival (UNEFF) event. 
“Honestly, I did not expect my film to be nominated in two prestigious film events, it was even chosen as top 30 out of 400 submitted films, even though I initially made this film only to amuse myself and gain experience,” revealed the owner of @taufiknb Instagram account.
Taufik, born in Salido on December 26th, 2000, shared that he pursued this sector to raise awareness about societal issues, such as many talented Indonesian artists who do not get enough credit. Through Anglocita, Taufik narrated the correlation between a ‘Ketoprak’ artist and the constantly changing era. 
“Through this film, I want to share a message that there are artists whose passions do not align with this dynamic era. The moral essence of this movie is that artists could induce joy both to themselves and their beloved ones through their creations,” Taufik explained.
Moreover, his first movie, created during his freshman year, entitled Keceklik (2021) was also a success. It was successfully nominated in two International Festivals including the 2021 Official Selection of Lift-Off Global Network First Time Filmmaker Session and Official Selection of Kalimantan International Indigenous Films Festival.
His passion, ignited by his fondness for watching film festivals, guided him to continue his study in the Applied Film and Television Study Program Department at Udinus. Taufik said that the Department consisted of supportive lecturers. Consequently, many Film and Television students were able to gain achievements. He was hoping for the campus facilities to be improved. 
“If I were to see the industrial experience in Jakarta, I will probably focus on chasing my passion as a professional filmmaker, starting as a freelancer,” Taufik concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)