The rise of sexual violence has always been a problem surrounding the public. In response to this negative phenomenon, students majoring in Communication Science at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted a campaign entitled ‘Break the Silence.’
The movement aimed to educate the public was conducted by giving visitors printed media, such as flyers, banners, and posters. The campaign took place in the Old City of Semarang, with several visitors, as well as communication science students being involved in it as ‘Generasi Jaga.’
Riska Marcela, the coordinator of the campaign, explained that this campaign was hosted to voice the importance of revealing sexual harassment and violence, where the victims are usually silent. According to the Statistics Agency, one in three sexually harassed women ranges from 15 to 65 years of age.
“We voiced the campaign in a city area as the data indicates that sexual harassment is more prominent in cities with a rate of 36,6%. Whereas in the countryside, sexual harassment is less prominent with the rate of 29,8%,” she elaborated.
The campaign involved nine Communication Science Students at Udinus, including Yakni Sayyid Rizky Saputra, Surya Haditya, Muhammad Syahrul Ridwan, Rifqi Nailal Muna, Anisa Haniah, Suci Aini Choerunissa, Muhamad Akhdan Baihaqi, and Gabriel Malinoa.
Riska also hoped for this campaign to raise public awareness to voice their response concerning sexual harassment cases surrounding them. On the same occasion, those nine students also socialized on the prevention of sexual harassment, as well as the importance of reporting these cases to the authorities.
“Through this campaign, we are committed to pushing the general public to wage a war against these misconduct acts. Additionally, we also expect visitors of this area to encourage their fellows to reduce the rate of sexual harassment,” Riska concluded.
Furthermore, they also gave the visitors bouquets as symbolic representations of sexual harassment, as well as spread the message to their fellow youths to fight against this negative phenomenon. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)