Aiming to raise public awareness concerning lungs health, students majoring in Communication Science at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) conducted a campaign entitled Save Your Lungs. The movement was carried out to educate the public through printed media, such as banners and posters.
The campaign was conducted at the Tri Lomba Juang Sports Building Semarang. Those dedicated students were Adrian Riefky Andinata, Linda Ratna Hidayati, Joice Gloriana Siahaan, Silvie Anggia Mukti, Bagus Fajar Putranto, Annisa Putri Nuraini, Siti Alfiyyah, Rembulan Garbo Pratondho, Garantika Diah Meilani. Additionally, they were also accompanied directly by Heni Indrayani M.I.Kom., a faculty member.
Bagus Fajar Putranto, the coordinator of the campaign, explained that through this campaign, they could raise public awareness of the importance of maintaining their health, especially their lungs. These students also discussed in great detail concerning healthy lungs, as well as asking visitors several questions.
“We also gave several tips to visitors, as well as challenges regarding lungs’ health,” he explained.
Meanwhile, Heni Indrayani, M.I.Kom., hoped for this campaign to raise public awareness regarding their well-being, particularly their lungs.
“Through this campaign , we would like to raise public awareness of the importance of maintaining lungs health. Hopefully, their presence at the Tri Lomba Juang Sports Building can educate and encourage visitors to keep their well-being safe,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Prodi Ilkom)