Determined to improve sales value and minimize manufacturing waste of small businesses, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) provided an accounting training program. The program was initiated by the community service team from the Accounting Department at Udinus.

The program was specifically aimed at a small business known as KIKA, which mainly engages in food catering industry. The training program took place in a conference room located in the I building, with 20 workers from KIKA being the participants. The event was directly opened by Dr. Kusni Ingsih, MM., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs. On the same occasion, Dr. Kusni also motivated the participants to further develop their business.

Dr. Anna Sumaryati, S.E., M.Si., the head organizer of this training program, explained that the community service functioned as a way to resolve problems encountered by partners. One of those problems included over-usage.

According to Dr. Anna, in terms of finance, the materials cost too much, resulting in the business not being able to get maximum turnover. During the program spanning four hours, she also taught the participants to efficiently use the leftover materials, allowing them to reduce manufacturing waste.

They have learned how to efficiently turn leftovers into something of a higher value. By doing this, they will be able to reduce manufacturing waste . In addition, we also taught them to calculate waste generated during the production process,” she explained.

Furthermore, Dr. Anna also educated the participants on how to properly calculate main production cost and sales, as well as make a simple financial report. Meanwhile, another lecturer from the Accounting Department, Hayu Wikan Kinasi, M.Si., also taught the basic concept of Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA), which is an aspect of the Environmental Accounting Field. Meanwhile, the participants were also given a learning material regarding the utilization of leftover materials by Sigit Budisusilo from the Oaktree Hotel Semarang.

Dr. Kusni Ingishm the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, hoped for this community service to optimize the utilization of leftover materials, particularly at KIKA, to improve the sales value.

“By attending this program, we expect the participants to be motivated and more informed to make a major breakthrough for KIKA by improving its profits. This community service is a way for Udinus to empower small businesses in Central Java and Indonesia,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. PKM FEB)