After having graduated from the Diploma of Medical Records Study Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Monika Lastri committed to be a medical record technician on her home island of Borneo, also known as Kalimantan.
She worked at Pembuangan Hulu Public Health Center in Central Kalimantan as an outpatient receptionist as well as a filing room manager or medical record technician. 
Lastri started her career in 2022, a year after she graduated from Udinus. Her job was to serve patients and to code disease diagnoses determined by doctors. She revealed that her job was not too far-fetched from what she learned during her study at Udinus. 
“After receiving some data and complaints from patients, the data will be inputted into the medical record document. Then, the document will undergo a sorting process to determine which one uses universal healthcare (BPJS) and which one does not in order to do the BPJS e-claim, and last but not least, the data will be documented once again alongside other medical records documents,” Lastri explained.
Lastri, born on January, 1st 2000, admittedly claimed that the knowledge she got during her time at Udinus was immensely useful to get her work done, such as sorting the medical record according to the numbering guide and giving diagnoses’ code for each disease. Not only that, but Lastri also learned how to communicate with patients properly.
“There were also several diseases that had not possessed a code yet and by the time I worked here, I did the best I could to fix the situation. Eventually, everything was resolved and more systematically arranged conforming to the medical record procedure and health information,” Lastri added. 
During her university life, Lastri also actively participated in Medical Record and Health Science Student Association (HMRMIK) as a staff in the public relation sector. By doing that Lastri would be able to improve her social skills, mainly for handling her patients. 
Lastri said that the medical sector was essential in our daily lives. Furthermore, the Diploma Medical Records Study Program graduates would be needed by many hospitals and public health centers as they are supported by technological advancements. 
“That is the reason why I decided to pursue the medical record career by enrolling at Udinus. During my study, Udinus did its best to provide students with a fine atmosphere and supportive lecturers,” said the owner of the @lastri_nika Instagram account. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)