Lecturers of the Diploma Informatics Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) created an innovative e-marketplace www.pasariwak.com. This innovation provides a simplified experience to conduct a freshwater fish transaction for SMEs.

The development of this website, funded through the 2022 Vocational Kedaireka Matching Fund Program, was led by Dr. Fikri Budiman, alongside Asih Rohmani, M.Kom., and Edi Sugiarto, M.Kom. In addition, the innovation also involved various students of the Diploma Informatics Department.

During his interview, Dr. Fikri Budiman Explained that the Pasariwak website aimed to simplify online transactions that are not limited by time and space within the freshwater fish SME industry. Furthermore, Fikri revealed that the implementation of the Pasariwak marketplace had garnered an attention and support from the Marine and Fishery Service of Kendal Regency.

“Our newly developed marketplace will be able to help freshwater fish farmers in resolving problems surrounding conventional marketing process,” he explained.

Upon garnering support from drh. Hudi Sambodo (the Head of the Marine and Fishery Service of Kendal), the developer team of Pasariwak, hosted a workshop aimed at freshwater fish farmers. The workshop took place in the computer lab at Udinus, with dozens of freshwater fish farmers participating in it.

Sri Budiningsih (a staff member from the Fish and Environmental Functional Health of the Production Sector at the Marine and Fishery Service of Kendal) showed her appreciation for the Pasariwak Marketplace, which was designed by faculty members of Udinus. She also hoped for the marketplace to be a platform to market fishery products, including fish fries and feeds. According to her, the workshop was heavily beneficial and insightful for the Marine and Fishery Service of Kendal.

“Through this marketplace , there will be a communication between buyers and sellers, allowing the freshwater fish sales in Kendal to skyrocket. The success and sustainability of this Pasariwak website needs an ecosystem-based approach through synergies and collaboration between all stakeholders,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)