The Department of Information System at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) received an accreditation from the Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE) in the form of an international accreditation, ‘Provisionally Accredited’ . The accreditation mainly assessed the aspects of Information Systems and Similarly-named Computing Programs.
The accreditation has already been listed on the Accreditation Certificate No. 00100.P, which states that the Department of Information System has been Provisionally Accredited. In addition, the certificate was published on February 22nd, 2023, in Jakarta, signed by Prof. Ir. Muhammad Romli, M.Sc., St., IPU, the Head of the Executive Committee at IABEE.
In response to this spectacular achievement, Dr. Arry Maulana Syarif, S.S., M.Kom., the Head of the Department of Information System at Udinus, stated that the accreditation could serve as proof of the commitment possessed by the Computer Science Faculty to always strive to be better. There are four assessment criteria during the IABEE assessment process. The first criterion is passing competence orientation based on learning outcomes, and the second one is relating to the utilized learning system.
“The third criterion refers to the learning outcomes received by students, and the last but not least criterion is regarding the development sustainability. The Department of Information System has fulfilled those four criteria,” he explained.
On the same occasion, he further explained that this accreditation brough many benefits to both the faculty and the campus. One of which was the standardized learning process, allowing the campus to be more trusted internationally by both the public and industry.
The IABEE accreditation is one of the independent accreditations in Indonesia to be officially approved by the Ministry of Education under decree no. 83/P/2020. Currently, IABEE has become a member of the Washington Accord (WA) with the status of ‘Provisional Signatory.’ The independent was established as a part of the PII institution, which serves as a platform to improve the management system in college institutions, particularly in the field of engineering and computing.
On a different occasion, Dr. Drs. Abdul Syukur, M.M., the Dean of the Computer Science Faculty, congratulated the Department of Information System for achieving international accreditation. Hopefully, this accomplishment could motivate other departments in the faculty to improve their learning quality.
“Through this accreditation, we hope for our graduates to be competitive on the national and international levels,” the dean concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)