Accreditation is one of the most important aspects of a department within a university to gain the trust of the public. In an attempt to gain public trust through accreditation, the Department of Communication Science at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) keeps maintaining its high quality and has recently been accredited as Excellent by the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education.
The Excellent accreditation received by the Department of Communication Science has been listed under decree No. 017/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/S/III/2023. On the decree, it is stated that the Department of Communication Science is accredited as Excellent, with the accreditation being valid until March 21st, 2028.
Dr. Rahmawati Zulfiningrum, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom., the Head of the Communication Science Department, stated that Excellent accreditation could gain the public trust and produce more favorable graduates to be the pillars of this nation. Additionally, she further revealed that the quality of this department would be the main aspect to focus on in maintaining the accreditation for the years to come. During the accreditation process, the Department of Communication Science underwent several steps, including welcoming a visitation conducted by two assessors from the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education.
“This accreditation does not hinder us from aiming for something even higher, particularly in terms of academic and other supporting aspects. Moreover, we are also committed to improving the quality of our faculty members; thus, our graduates can compete in the industry,” he explained.
On a different occasion, Dr. Drs. Abdul Syukur, M.M., the Dean of the Computer Science Faculty, expressed his utmost pride for the significant yet rapid improvement attained by the Department of Communication Science. He further added that the Main Performance Index of every department would always be maintained, including maintaining the quality of Human Resources from both academic and ranking aspects.
The dean alongside all departments within the Computer Science Faculty are also committed to improving the education system at Udinus, particularly within the scope of their faculty. For the years to come, the Computer Science Faculty, particularly the Department of Communication Science, will aim to provide beneficial assistance for both the public and the nation.
“We are also proud of how far the Department of Communication Science has come thus far. Currently, we aim to process all the departments within the Computer Science Faculty to earn their Excellent accreditation and lead students to be competent graduates, with the capability of inventing innovations and competing on the international scale,” the dean hoped.
Thus far, three departments within the Computer Science Faculty have been accredited as Excellent, namely, the Department of Information Systems, the Department of Informatics, and the aforementioned Department of Communication Science.
There are various facilities sustaining the students’ needs within the Department of Communication Science, including the communication science lab, the computer lab, and the TVKU television station utilized as a place to practice various activities in the field of Communication Science. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Ilustrasi: Humas Udinus)