Committing to training young legislators, the Student Council Representatives at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted the 2023 Legislative Training, with 250 participants.
The participants garnered several insights regarding advocation, supervision, and legal drafting from three different speakers. The first material concerning advocation was presented by the chief of the Student Council Representatives, Tito Wira Eka. Meanwhile, the learning material discussing supervision was brought by Doni Pratama S., the Coordinator of the Indonesian Student Legislative Forum of Semarang.
Furthermore, the legal drafting material was presented directly by Padmasari Mestikajati, SIP., M.Si., a member of the C Commission at the Regional Legislative Council of Central Java. In addition to students from Udinus, several students from other universities were also seen attending the 2023 Legislative Training.
The Head of the Committee, Dimas Dwiky Putranto, explained that this program aimed to educate campus legislators so they could understand their job desks. For additional information, the Student Council Representatives tied a collaboration with various faculty councils on campus in hosting this event.
“We want every legislator on campus to understand their job desks, including aspiration, legislation, and supervision. Through this training program, participants could also exchange opinions and solutions for all aspirations received by the faculty and campus council,” he explained.
The 2023 Legislative Training took place in the auditorium located on the third floor of the E building, with ‘Strengthening Young Legislators’ Role in Facing the Society 5.0’ as its theme. Judging from the number of questions asked, the audience was fairly enthusiastic about participating in the program.
Dr. Kusni Ingsih, the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, was present and officially opened the event. During her greeting, she gave words of appreciation to the committee for hosting this program. In addition, through this program, she also expected students to bring changes to Indonesia in the future.
“The materials presented by these three speakers are indeed remarkable. Hopefully, students can learn much from them,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)