The Humanities Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) featured a linguist to discuss learning material concerning the functional approach of language teaching. The event, simply entitled ‘Dissemination,’ took place on the third floor of the G building, with students from two departments within the faculty participating in the dissemination.
The Language Strengthening and Empowering program was a product of a partnership tied by several parties, namely, the Language Development and Coaching Agency, the Ministry of Education, and the Language Agency of Central Java.
The event featured four expert linguists, including Dr. Iwa Lukman (the Head of the Language Strengthening and Empowering Center), Dr. Ganjar Harimansyah (the Head of the Language Agency of Central Java), and Drs. Moh. Muzakka (the Head of the Indonesian Language for Non-native Speakers Affiliation), and Suardi Eka Cipta, and Emma Nababan (representatives from the Language Strengthening and Empowering Center of Language Agency).
At the dissemination participated by 90 students, Dr. Raden Arief Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum., the Dean of the Humanities Faculty, was present and officially opened the dissemination. He revealed that the dissemination aimed to provide insight to students of both the English and Japanese Literature Departments. This is because the dissemination primarily focused on recent issues in the field of linguistics.
“Hopefully, this event discussing relevant learning material can be hosted more routinely. This dissemination also serves as an output of our collaboration with the Language Agency of Central Java,” the dean explained.
Meanwhile, during his presentation, Dr. Iwa Lukmana, M.A., encouraged students to understand more deeply the functional approach to learning foreign languages, particularly within the scope of the Indonesian Language for Non-native Speakers. Even though the learning material was arguably basic, he hoped for it to teach students one or two things concerning the linguistic functionalist approach.
“Today, we taught students about mindset, paradigm, and the philosophy relating to the foreign language functional approach. We also partnered with the best universities in Central Java, including Udinus, to disseminate the Indonesian Language for Non-native Speakers teaching program and translation,” Dr. Iwa Lukana, M.A., concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)